Hi, thanks for the answers.

The thing I want to do is perform some semantic refactorings.
So I need to know wich are all the special annotations that SMW use. Your
recomendation is to look into the user manual and make a compilation of all
of them ? Maybe they belong to a category so it´s so much easy to look for..

Then I need to modify and update some annotations, so this may be done by
editing the wiki-text in the page where it´s belonge?


On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 11:54 AM, Markus Krötzsch <
mar...@semantic-mediawiki.org> wrote:

> On 06/09/11 15:16, Yaron Koren wrote:
>> Hi Markus,
>> It's not quite true that SMW "only stores data that is actually found on
>> a page" - there's also metadata that it can store, like the current
>> "Modification date" special property. I guessed, when I read Mauricio's
>> email, that that's what he was talking about, though I could be wrong.
> Right, this is a special case that I did not think about. In this case, it
> is actually only the modification date that is stored by SMW. It turned out
> that it is not so easy to have a simple, unified place to get and record
> such MediaWiki-based data in SMW, hence it was only done for the
> modification date yet (and this is already covered in two places so as to
> not be deleted accidentally in update operations). Other data of this type
> would be handled similarly, but it depends on the data where exactly is the
> best place to get it from MW.
> Markus
>  On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 9:49 AM, Markus Krötzsch
>> <mar...@semantic-mediawiki.org 
>> <mailto:markus@semantic-**mediawiki.org<mar...@semantic-mediawiki.org>
>> >>
>> wrote:
>>    On 05/09/11 15:34, Mauricio Etchevest wrote:
>>     > Hi,
>>     >
>>     > I'm working on an new extension for SMW.
>>    Great.
>>     >
>>     > There're two things that don't work out:
>>     >
>>     > My extension has to generate new semantic annotations without any
>>    user
>>     > input,
>>     > Anybody could tell me how to start ?  Any recommendations on what to
>>     > read or which classes are important to do that?
>>    You might want to look at the SMWWriter extension for SMW that
>> addresses
>>    part of this task. However, SMW is not a general purpose store for
>>    annotations and it only stores data that is actually found on a page
>> (in
>>    wikitext). So adding annotations can only be done by writing the
>>    wiki text.
>>     >
>>     > Anyone could tell my where to find a list of all semantic
>> annotations
>>     > that users can use ? I have the feeling that I'm missing
>>    something here,
>>     > It seems yo me that there might be more semantic annotations than
>> the
>>     > ones that appear in the user manual.
>>    Users can use any annotation they like. With this I mean: they can use
>>    properties with arbitrary names and they can assign arbitrary values to
>>    these properties for every page. The only restriction is that the value
>>    must make sense in the datatype of the property (for example, a
>> property
>>    of type Number can only have values that are numbers).
>>    There are also a few special annotations that SMW looks for to figure
>>    out certain user settings. For example, the datatype of a property is
>>    set as a value for the property "has type" as in [[has type::Number]].
>>    These special things are what is documented in the user manual. All
>>    other annotations do not have a special meaning for SMW (they are
>> "just"
>>    data).
>>    Regards
>>    Markus
>>     >
>>     >
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