On 09/05/2011 04:34 PM, Mauricio Etchevest wrote:

> My extension has to generate new semantic annotations without any user
> input,

I find this interesting, since this is what I made the RDFIO extension 
to do, based on arbitrary RDF data [1]. That is, by importing RDF 
triples, wiki pages would be created, or updated, using SMWWriter, which 
Markus mentioned about.

As I have mentioned before, I think this kind of functionality would 
enable quite interesting use cases if we could just get a robust 
solution for it.

The problem with RDFIO is that it is not in a very good state ATM. It is 
not currently updated to work with the latest SMW (1.6) [2], due to my 
crazy lack of time, and some reworking to make it more integrated with 
SMW internals, would not hurt either.

Hope to to have some time to talk to you SMW folks about this during 
SMWCon ...

// Samuel

=== Footnotes ===

[1] RDFIO has both an RDF import form for importing RDF/XML or RDF in 
turtle format, as well as a SPARQL endpoint which allows SPARQL+ editing 
syntax, which actually *also* updated the wiki text in the pages, not 
only the RDF store (which I understand that the new SPARQL UPDATE 
functionality does ... Markus, you might correct me about this?).

There are some challenges around this, such as how to select wiki-titles 
in a sensible and predictable way for RDF nodes, and how to store the 
original URI that resulted in each such wiki page ... all of which I had 
some suggestions for in the RDFIO implementation (while these should 
better be discussed more).

[2] It actually works with SMW 1.15, if using a forked version of RDFIO, 
such as 1.17 (only the trunk is now out of sync with the SMW 1.15 branch)

Samuel Lampa
  Bioinformatician @ UPPMAX, Uppsala University
    Blog: http://saml.rilspace.org

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