On 09/25/2011 11:05 AM, Markus Krötzsch wrote:
>> I'd love to have a shortlist of the foundational classes I need to know
>> to represent triple data with SMW classes ... Should I basically be fine
>> with SMWDataItems (elements) and SMWSemanticData (aggregates of facts
>> per subject)? ... or is there some other foundational class I should add
>> to the shortlist?
> For representing input data, that's all. Query outputs are represented
> in SMWQueryResult (basically an iterator for a 3D-array) but the data
> returned there is also based on DIs.
> RDF data is represented by a smaller set of classes under SMWExpElement.
> These classes represent triples for the purpose of serialisation (they
> abstract RDF before fixing a concrete syntax such as RDF/XML or Turtle).

Ok, many thanks for the hints! Will have a closer look at that ...

// Samuel

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