On 09/25/2011 11:05 AM, Markus Krötzsch wrote:
> RDF data is represented by a smaller set of classes under SMWExpElement.
> These classes represent triples for the purpose of serialisation (they
> abstract RDF before fixing a concrete syntax such as RDF/XML or Turtle).

Got two questions:

=== Q1: Any SMWExpElements / SMWData converter? ===

Are there converters from/to the SMWExpElement related classes and the 
SMWData/SMWDataItems combo already?

I ask since so far I have been thinking about using the 
SMWData/SMWDataItem combo as native format in RDFIO, but it strikes me 
that the SMWExpElement related classes much more closely matches the 
data structure that you get from ARC2's RDF parsers.

Thus, I was thinking that if I can do only the conversion from ARC2 data 
structures to SMWExpElements classes, and then there is already some 
converters to SMWData/SMWDataItem, I wouldn't need to reinvent that 

=== Q2: Status of SMWData/SMWDataItem as API? ===

Also I wondered what status the SMWData/SMWDataItem classes are supposed 
to have, as a general API? ... Are they the supposed API, or is SMW 
going towards preferring to talk SPARQL with all extensions ... or even 

I ask this since it does not seem clear that I will really *need* to use 
the SMWData/SMWDataItem combo as a representation, if I do the wiki page 
updates either with the Wiki Object Model extension or an own writer class.

I would still prefer to use it, if it is pushed as a preferred API for 
these kind of things, but I wondered whether that is so for the 
foreseeable future?

// Samuel

Samuel Lampa
  Bioinformatician @ Uppsala University
    Blog: http://saml.rilspace.org

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