On 10/31/2011 07:43 PM, Markus Krötzsch wrote:
> The extension of this code would make sense in SMW. One could also
> imagine that this is later used for importing SPARQL results into SMW
> data for general forms of SPARQL queries.

I'm not sure I followed this part:
"importing SPARQL results into SMW data for general forms of SPARQL 

... though it sounds interesting. Could you please elaborate?

Overall, though, I think, supporting full roundtrip of SMW<->RDF data 
structures, is indeed interesting, and would enable a whole bunch of new 
use cases ...

Just got to think about one ... that combined with a general and robust 
SMWSemanticData importer (into wiki pages), it would be enable to make 
explicit facts that are only implicit in the wiki, by the means of 
SPARQL CONSTRUCT queries, and persisting these new explicitized facts in 
the wiki ... that is, one thing of which is typically done by reasoners 
these days ...

// Samuel

Samuel Lampa
  Bioinformatician @ Uppsala University
    Blog: http://saml.rilspace.org

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