Hi all!


My setup:

MediaWiki          1.19.3

PHP                       5.4.16


SRF                        1.8


I'm currently implementing the vCard-Export in a wiki. The export itself
works fine but character encoding of the output .vcf is UTF-8. The character
encoding of the file must be windows-1252 or iso-8859-1, though, that it can
be opened by MS Outlook. Further, I think I found the corresponding part in
the SMW_ExportPrinter.php:


                public function outputAsFile( SMWQueryResult $queryResult,
array $params ) {

                               $result = $this->getResult( $queryResult,
$params, SMW_OUTPUT_FILE );


                               header( 'Content-type: ' .
$this->getMimeType( $queryResult ) . '; charset=UTF-8' );


                               $fileName = $this->getFileName( $queryResult


                               if ( $fileName !== false ) {

                                               header( "content-disposition:
attachment; filename=$fileName" );



                               echo $result;



My understanding of this code is that all files will be encoded in UTF-8.
Hence, I modified the function so that the charset (only) for vCards is
iso-8859-1. (The string 'text/x-vcard' is copied from SRF_vCard.php which
constructs the attachment.)


                public function outputAsFile( SMWQueryResult $queryResult,
array $params ) {

                               $result = $this->getResult( $queryResult,
$params, SMW_OUTPUT_FILE );

                               if ( $this->getMimeType( $queryResult ) ==
'text/x-vcard') {

                                               header( 'Content-type:
text/x-vcard; charset=iso-8859-1' );

                               } else {

                                               header( 'Content-type: ' .
$this->getMimeType( $queryResult ) . '; charset=utf-8' );



                               $fileName = $this->getFileName( $queryResult


                               if ( $fileName !== false ) {

                                               header( "content-disposition:
attachment; filename=$fileName" );



                               echo $result;



It isn't beautiful but it should do the trick. 


Okay, so here's my problem: It doesn't do anything. Any changes I make
simply do not have an effect on the output. Even gibberish doesn't produce
error massages. The .vcf output still works and the encoding is UTF-8.


My questions are:

Am I on the right track? Is this really the important part of the code?

Where should I look instead?


Many thanks in advance! This bug is haunting me for a week now. =)




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