
Are there similar plans for the SMW-related extensions?

Wouldn't it be confusing if some work is on Gerrit (MW and many other
extensions) while SMW work is on Github?
I assume anyone who goes to the extent of submitting a patch to SMW would
also like to keep the master version of MW
which will be on Gerrit and thus would have to learn Gerrit anyway. In the
same lines, the person is likely to submit a patch to SemanticForms, etc.

However, as the future plans seem to reduce dependency on MW this is going
to be a good step in that direction. I just think presently its too early
to move away from Gerrit.

Also worth noting would be Yuvi's Github to Gerrit Bot

On Sat, Nov 2, 2013 at 7:26 AM, Jeroen De Dauw <jeroended...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hey,
> After discussions with the active contributors to the SMW project and
> asking attendees at last weeks SMWCon, I'd like to propose moving SMW
> development to GitHub.
> == Details ==
> The canonical git repo would be at
> https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticMediaWiki
> Trusted contributors get merged rights and can review pull requests, or
> directly push to a branch. All other contributors can fork and create pull
> requests. Pull requests should only be merged when TravisCI reports the
> tests passed.
> This is very similar to our current setup. It's different in that we have
> more autonomy, people can more easily contribute without having to learn
> gerrit and we do not have to deal with WMF infrastructure that is not of
> use to us.
> The current canonical repo would be kept where it is and become a manually
> updated mirror. If people submit patches against it, we can still review
> those via gerrit or redirect them to GitHub as we see fit. Since
> TranslateWiki does not support GitHub at present, we'll have to
> periodically merge the translation updates from the WMF repo to the GitHub
> one.
> People will thus continue to be able to use a clone of the WMF repo, which
> will at the very least be updated for each release.
> == Plans ==
> I'll set up the repo and update the configuration of services such as
> TravisCI, Packagist, Scrutinizer and coveralls.io accordingly. I'll also
> assign rights and whatnot.
> If no one of the core contributors screams murder, or someone else points
> out a real issue with this approach, I suggest we officially switch to this
> model next week. In case problems occur that cannot easily be dealt with,
> we can always delay or abort this altogether.
> Cheers
> --
> Jeroen De Dauw
> http://www.bn2vs.com
> Don't panic. Don't be evil. ~=[,,_,,]:3
> --
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