
If you follow the steps below non of your described issues are occurring:

* Install MW 1.22
* Rename composer-example.json to composer.json
* Add "mediawiki/semantic-mediawiki": "dev-master" and
"minimum-stability" : "dev" to the composer.json placed within the MW
directory (for more details see [1])
* Run composer install or composer update from the MW directory

That's all you have to do.



On 11/26/13, Lists <li...@psycholutions.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> this morning I made some beta tests on the new composer oportunities.
> MW 1.22.R0 + SMW 1.9
> results:
> - successfully installed MW 1.22 via composer with an composer.json
> (command
> line failed)
> - ext. SWM was not installed (command "git" not found)
> - ext. validator was placed in the expected folder (extension top level,
> "type": "mediawiki-extension")
> - ext. data-values and param-processor where put in wiki-root/vendor
> ("type": "library")
> I would make some assumptions, but I am new to this tech and some of my
> related questions are still open.
> So I only report my first expressions.
> By the way... there is currently no git installed on my test-system.
> I installed one of my own ext. (type mediawiki-extension) but autoload.php
> seems to be placed wrong.
> I also "played" with composer the whole weekend and got some individual
> dev.-problems: scripting with composer-events failed,
> create an installer-plugin failed ;-).
> cheers.
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