On Mon, Oct 21, 2002 at 03:29:22PM -0700, Greg Stein wrote:
> apr-serf goes straight to Commons. There isn't a reason to ensure that
> committers are "indoctrinated", as they already are. There isn't a code
> donation to worry about.

This probably belongs on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list, but FWIW I think
Commons should also have a bit of "indoctrination". I like the idea
where each project has at least a few ASF members who are the shepards
and "indoctrinators" for that project. So that kinda puts the incubator
more in the role of setting up new infrastructure and fostering new
communities around focused goals. At this point the lines between
Commons and Incubator blur and I have to get back to work now... :)


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