Ed and Noel,

You can still consider me in for working on parts of the IMAP implementation. I've been buried on a political tracking tool since last poking around in the existing experimental code. The only other experience I have with James beyond just using the server was to have wrote my own EJB user repository to tie it into some other services. So be gentle.

I'll get a fresh copy of the codebase from cvs tonight so I can see what the heck you guys are talking about :) My original need for IMAP was to tie into Squirrel Mail and give myself web access, but I worked around it using jwebmail with the Bibop theme. Squirrel still looks like a better choice to me, so the need is still there (only works with IMAP, not POP3).


Noel J. Bergman wrote:


Other people who have expressed interest in contributing to IMAP are

Kris Bravo Joe Cheng Maxwell Grender-Jones Nawwar Kasrawi Christian Myrvold Sascha Kulawik Kenny Smith Peter Svensson

And that is just this year.  All it takes to do it is to do it.  With Jason
contributing help on the store changes, if just a few people would take the
reins on IMAP, it could really pick up.  Hopefully Darrell could spare some
time to bring people up to speed.

Jason, if the change to "user.folder" is made, then we can use, but don't
even need maildir, since the string is just a simple key.  The hierarchy is
a bit of fiction at the moment.  I mention this because IMAP may benefit
from having mail attributes, which are supported by the existing JDBC and
file-system repository formats, but not by the new mbox and planned maildir

So I believe that:

 file://var/mail/inboxes/ --> file://var/mail/inboxes/noel (inbox)
 file://var/mail/inboxes/ --> file://var/mail/inboxes/noel.aFolder
 db[file]://maildb/inbox/ --> db[file]://maildb/inbox/noel (inbox)
 db[file]://maildb/inbox/ --> db[file]://maildb/inbox/noel.aFolder
 mbox:///var/mail/        --> mbox:///var/mail/noel        (inbox)
 mbox:///var/mail/        --> mbox:///var/mail/noel.aFolder

Is that what you had in mind?  I am not showing a change.  I am showing how
the current code would map the repository name, which is the portion
appended on the right-hand side.

--- Noel

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