Validating IP against the domain was one of many tests I was planning to do.  It will 
probably block a few legal mail servers, but that should provide an incentive to add 
those servers/domains to DNS and be better net-citizens.

The TMDA whitelist-centric strategy looks similar to what I was thinking of.  But I 
find the email-based challenge/response might not be too difficult for spammers to 
circumvent.  In any case they seem to have looked at many of the issues and is a great 
cross-check to ensure I did not miss something important.

Thanks for the link!!!


-----Original Message-----
From: ext Noel J. Bergman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 4:50 PM
To: James Developers List
Subject: RE: Contributing a mailet

> spammers are getting very smart about bypassing normal anti-spam
> tools.

They have gone from being annoying, with dubious legal status for UCE, to
being outright criminals.  Spammers are behind the new worms that turn
consumer systems into mail daemons.  They can bypass whitelists by using the
address books of the systems they have infected, and distributing the
information so that databases of e-mail associations can be constructed.

> I feel that no other solution other than pure whitelisting will work
> in the long run.

> What alternative would you propose to whitelist-only email?

Are you familar with

There is a proposal where an MTA would validate that the IP address
attaching to it is a valid server for the MAIL FROM domain.  There are
proposals to have servers sign messages to verify that the message did,
indeed, originate from them.

        --- Noel

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