
Okay we just ran into the following at a site, where James is setup as a 
mailprocessing gateway.

The backend system (apparently it must have a few years on it's back) uses 
addresses like:

ie. the old RFC-821 source route style. 

Now James hickups at this issuing: 

ERROR smtpserver: Error parsing sender address:  @YYY.XXX.DK:[EMAIL PROTECTED]: No 
local-part (user account) found at position 1

Which is logical as MailAddress is not designed to handle source routes.

But according to RFC-2821 appendix F.2:

"SMTP servers MUST continue to accept source route syntax as specified
in the main body of this document and in RFC 1123.  They MAY, if
necessary, ignore the routes and utilize only the target domain in
the address.  If they do utilize the source route, the message MUST
be sent to the first domain shown in the address.  In particular, a
server MUST NOT guess at shortcuts within the source route."

So to be compliant James actually MUST accept this syntax ;-(

I propose a fix, where we use the MAY above, that is ignore the routes and 
utilize only the target domain in the address.

If you all agree with me that this is something we should (no must) handle, 
and in the proposed manner. 

I will start working on this fix.


Søren Hilmer, M.Sc.
R&D manager             Phone:  +45 70 27 64 00
TietoEnator IT+ A/S     Fax:    +45 70 27 64 40
Ved Lunden 12           Direct: +45 87 46 64 57
DK-8230 Åbyhøj          Email:  soren.hilmer <at> tietoenator.com

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