On Monday 11 April 2005 10:57, Danny Angus wrote:
> I propose that work commence to extract James's "value add" IP from classes
> supporting Avalon specific lifecycle attributes, and Avalon component
> dependance, to POJO classes.
> I further propose that these POJO's are designed to support IoC but are
> agnostic in their choice of SDI/CDI
> Therfore I propose that these classes be designed along SDI lines in order
> that the change is evolutionary and that they can later be factored to
> allow their use by CDI frameworks by those people who wish to do so.
> The basic pattern will be to have agnostic POJO's contain James' domain
> specific code.
> These POJO's will be extended to produce SDI, CDI, J2EE, or bespoke
> pattern-specific lifecycle specialisations through inheritance, delegation
> or injection.
> These specialisations can then be used to assemble behavioural solutions in
> CDI SDI or J2EE containers which can be maintaned independantly of the
> domain specific code in the POJO's
> For example:
> SMTPHandler -> CDISMTPHandler
>                              -> SpringSMTPHandler
>                              -> JCASMTPHandler
>                              -> AvalonSMTPHandler
> Please indicate your prefrence:
> [ ] +1 I agree that Agnostic SDI style POJO's are an effective first step
> and will participate in the development work
> [ ] +0 I neither agree nor disagree that Agnostic SDI style POJO's are an
> effective first step but do not oppose the proposal
> [ ] -0 I disagree that Agnostic SDI style POJO's are an effective first
> step but do not oppose the proposal
> [ ] -1 I disagree that Agnostic SDI style POJO's are an effective first
> step and oppose the proposal because:..
> d.
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