Hi Juan,

I looked at the console prototype, and I think it's pretty well
executed (the UI is very crisp and neatly done).

However, I think we need to discuss more on the subject of navigation.
I was envisioning more like a frames page, navigation bar on the left
side, content pane on the right side. The nav bar would be displayed
in a tree esque hierarchy of commands, ex:

James Administrator
+Configure James Administrator
+James Configuration
+James Monitoring
-James Administrator
---Add User Wizard
---Add User
---Delete User
---Add Forwarding

And obviously I've left out a few things, and the word choice isn't
set in stone. This view is if the administrator was looking at the
James Administrator main page.

The thing is, if people start adding extra configuration modules
(Mailets and Matchers, for example, may add config options) then the
tree view works better, and can speed up navigation than if the nav
options were just available in a top nav bar.

Also, it helps to simplify some of the code and makes James Admin look
more like phpmyadmin and other admin consoles.

Other than that, I have no problems with Juan's UI. I've been busy
sketching the general module-plugin framework for the admin console,
and I see no problems with that.  This is going to work just fine.

The only real issue is the problem Jason mentioned about JMX security,
and I'm equally encouraged by the quick fix he also came up with:
having JMX bind only to localhost. However, the tiny problem with that
is, what happens when James is on one server and the admin console is
on another server? Do we just require both to be on the same server?
Also, what about clustering? Will we have to run a James Admin console
for each clustered box, or can we address just one controller box?

Thanks for the ideas.

On 6/22/05, Juan Carlos Murillo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Further to the subject of the Web Admin Console, I took the liberty to
> build a small prototype web application for which i am enclosing a
> download link to get your comments (had included attachments in a
> previous message, but the list wouldn't have them).  You can navigate it
> but it contains no functionality yet:
> http://www.inet.co.cr/temp/JamesAdminConsole.tar.gz (9.5k)
> I also built a proof of concept bundle of Tomcat and this application,
> for which i am adding this download link:
> http://www.inet.co.cr/temp/JamesAdminBundle.tar.gz (4 Mb)
> To run the web app attachment, unzip into your web application directory
> on your app server of choice and go to:
> http://domain:port/JamesAdminConsole/index.jsp
> Where domain and port are specific to your own installation.
> To run the bundle you will need to have ant available.  Download it,
> unzip anywhere, go into the unzipped directory and type:
> ant -f min.xml run await
> After Tomcat starts the application will be accessible here:
> http://localhost:9080/JamesAdminConsole/index.jsp
> For those who don't have time or don't want to install anything, take a
> peek at the screenshot:
> http://www.inet.co.cr/temp/JamesAdminImage.png
> This can be used as a template to start development of the app itself, I
> would like to work on the actual decoupling of the admin commands from
> the RemoteManagerHandler myself, so will look into that shortly.
> Any comments welcome.
> --
> Juan Carlos Murillo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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