> The problem i have with the tree view is that its concept serves the
> purpose of being able to switch between leaves in different branches or
> have a total overall view of the tree, which might not be that important
> here.  Each section in the prototype already includes about 15 to 20
> items, so a fully expanded tree with all of them (plus additional ones
> as you mention) could turn into a pretty large list, which might not be
> too friendly.

Right, that would be a problem. We'd have to skip the tree design
altogether, or keep the number of suboptions to a minimum (perhaps
Wizards + Options). I can agree to either option.

Regarding the images, that could be a real problem. Right now I'm
looking at a demo of Plesk 7.5 Reloaded (go here if you want to try:

Open source isn't quite known for it's terrific graphics, but we might
be able to grab some pictures from clip art libraries assuming the
license is OK. Failing that, we can beg a graphic artist to do the
job. Failing even that, I can whip up some icons. Shouldn't be too
difficult, I have Paint Shop Pro and it supports a lot of stuff.
Besides, most of the icons will be pretty straightforward, like a
"wrench" symbol for config, "gears turning" symbol for a utility,
"flying envelope" symbol for mail being sent, etc.

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