Juan Carlos Murillo wrote:

You may think it will be small and simple, but I've always found that
these things grow to be larger than you expect.  Anything more than a
one or two page HTML base web stie will benefit from using some kind of
web framework - and it is much easier to start using one from the
beginning that to try and migrate later.


I think you might be right about this, but I really do hate the
religious aspect of choosing web frameworks, which most of the time just
bloat projects, but that's just my preference.

I think we could benefit from using the Java Standard Tag Libraries,
which will clean up our jsps, but am not really sold on bringing in
Tapestry, WebWorks, Struts or SpringMVC/WebFlow.
How about we prototype some more, maybe develop four or five basic
functionalities and reevaluate to see if it is getting messy and we need
a framework?

I also think that a web framework is great for web admin console. However, it should be lightweight, simple easy to use and standard compliant (work great with JSTL). I think we should take a poll from people who are interested in contributing to this project as well as committers of James.

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