On Tuesday 06 September 2005 14:59, Stefano Bagnara wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am having trouble with the JamesSpoolManager in the trunk.
> > I experience mails hanging in the spool, it looks like the
> > offending piece of code is the return statement in line 418.
> > The reason I suspect that line is that I cannot reproduce the
> > effect if I remove the line.
> >
> > Have anyone seen something similar, or can someone (Stefano)
> > provide the rationale behind this particular return statement.
> > I will do some more debugging to better understand what happens.
> I'm experiencing spooling issues with file repositories too.

Well, I haven't until now :-(

> The return statement is there since long before I committed my patches ;-)
> (the annotation show that the return line has been written on may 2001). In
> fact I only done minor changes to the spoolmanager (it now just gets
> mailetloader/matcher loader as avalon services instead of running its own).
> I've also tested 2.2.0 and I've experienced the same spool problems using
> file repositories.
> IMHO file repositories lock/unlock is not (has never been?) working fine.

Probably true.

> If you send more mails you will see that the one in the spool will start
> being elaborated.

Yes, just tried that, maybe as you say it has allways been there, only I have 
just noticed it now.

> Can you try using the db/derby repositories and see wether you see the same
> problem?

I could, but I need file repositories for my production deployments, so I will 
try to figure this one out instead.


> Stefano
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