I am with Noel on this. We should not do anything that means we get tied more 
to Avalon/Excalibur. 
On the other hand I liked the advantages a lot, as I have experienced massive 
classloader problems with Phoenix, I do a lot of dynamic reloading of .sar's 
and on Windows this leads to lost handles :-(

Maybe we can do some code that enables the use of 
org.apache.james.util.dbcp.JdbcDataSource with Loom (just thinking aloud 
here, as I have not investigated the problem).


On Wednesday 07 September 2005 04:37, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
> > Should we move to Loom?
> Not if it means some of the things you noted.  I am particularly not keen
> to start using more excalibur code instead of Jakarta Commons code.
> > we could avoid using DBCP at all.
> But we want to use DBCP.  It is well-tested, supported and broadly used.
> And I really don't want to tie us more tightly to Avalon.  Rather, we
> should incrementally detach the remaining bits, so that we can move to
> another container architecture.
>       --- Noel
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