Stefano Bagnara wrote:

> I don't agree: imho we already have a stable release out: 2.2.0.

Yes, but consider the many enhancements, changes and bugfixes since that
release that are based upon "feedback and contributions [of] features people
need."  If we continue to delay releasing those, might not "people [switch]
to different mail servers", too?

> I would prefer to have a few more alpha cycle and possibly introduce new
> features before 2.3.0 but I'll not be -1 on putting out a release on the
> current feature-set.

Right, that's what I'm saying.  Let's focus on getting a solid release out,
and then continue with feature changes.

> If we want to feature freeze here for 2.3.0 then I think we should
> create a branch so that we can also keep going on with new code.

We can do that, and it is a good practice, but as you note, "no one here
work on James as a full time "priority" job", so I am a bit concerned that
efforts will continue to focus on adding features to another branch rather
than on putting out a release.  I'm asking that we as a community make
getting a solid release out a priority.

And, as Serge notes, by incrementally adding features to a solid release,
more people will be willing to test it, which helps development.  What does
it say that neither Serge nor I are running the current code in production?
I normally ran trunk in production, but there were so many key changes on
top of one another that I was no longer comfortable putting trunk into
production.  If we can get into a more frequent release cycle, where we are
not changing too many things at once, I believe that we'll have better

        --- Noel

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