Steve Brewin wrote:
Stefano Bagnara wrote:
Maybe this is not related, but I changed this from 2.2.0 to
2.3.0. After
the Phoenix update we could now rely on the classloader
phoenix provide
to James, that already lookup SAR-INF/classes and SAR-INF/lib. So we
don't have anymore a custom classloader for mailets.


That's interesting! I didn't know this. If it provides all of the
functionality of our custom code we should consider making the switch in a
future release. Their is no point maintaining duplicate functionality.
Before doing so, we should confirm that everything still works as it should,
mark our custom class loader as deprecated in a future release and remove it
in a later release after that.

Certainly worthy of a JIRA.

I'm sorry I probably not explained it well.
James 2.3.0 is already based on the updated avalon, and the old classloader code has already been removed ;-)

I think the new code is there since an year and 2.3.0 final has it, so I hope it works like expected! :-)


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