On Sat, Apr 26, 2008 at 12:51 AM, Stefano Bagnara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bernd Fondermann ha scritto:
> >
> > > JAMES has no problem attracting developers: every month, someone shows
> > > up with a particular aim or interest. JAMES has a major issue
> > > converting developers into committers. IMHO the problem is that JAMES
> > > is too big and it takes too long to understand. you've got to be
> > > really dedicated even to start work on it.
> > >
> >
> > I think - or at least thought at first - that moving IMAP out of trunk is
> very unfortunate.
> > But let's also be pragmatic! If making trunk leaner helps us releasing,
> let's do it. Let's at least _try_ it. If it doesn't work out, we revert it.
> If later we want to have IMAP in as an experimental, disabled-by-default
> module, ok. But that's for later.
> >
>  I thought that having modules allowed us to keep working on a single source
> tree.

i would do but unfortunately, only Bernd and I seem interested in development

>  I don't understand who is convinced that moving IMAP out of trunk is what
> is needed to release.

i am convinced that we need to reduce the quantity of code that needs
to be reviewed before any releases can be made. IMAP-mailbox is the
majority of the codebase.

>  IMHO there is no shame in releasing code marked as unstable together with
> stable code. We introduced modules also for this, didn't we?

yes but IMHO that's not an opinion shared by the majority of those
with binding VOTEs. i suspect that if developer had the energy to
devote to rationally review the codebases in details then i suspect
that trunk is ok and that with some work a good 3.0 could be created
from it. however, the energy is just too great for this to be

i think it's clear now that i've failed to attract a critcial mass of
developers to trunk. time to try a new approach, i think.

JAMES as a community needs to start releasing code again. it's clear
to me that there is no prospect of big releases but i think that a
program of small releases is definitely doable. i don't think that it
would be unrealistic to see mailet-api, mailet-base and sieve released
next month followed by standard-mailets, mime4j and crypto-mailets the
next then we could try a 2.3.x release containing the new libraries.

- robert

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