Hi Felix,

Thx for launching the discussion and implementing in a sandbox :)

I feel your focus is the maven-skin. Right?

I am also concerned with the way we handle the version dependencies. Example: For now, each of the project (imap, mailbox...) has freedom to define the derby version. This sometimes can give issues, as projects are implemented/tested against a specific version, and this can give issues. So, Should parent impose the version, or should we leave freedom to subprojects to do so?

Also, the transitive dependencies are sometimes/often declared around (example, if a project uses mailbox-jpa, it still declares openjpa altough openjpa is a transitive dependency of mailbox-jpa). For example, I'm puzzled to need to exclude jruby in all projects. If we rely on the transitive resolution, we only have to exclude once. This point is not directly related to the parent structure, but more linked to a 'transitive dependency' discussion. But I feel it's also linked to the pom hierarchy in a way...

I don't bring answers but questions here...


On 09/10/11 16:58, Felix Knecht wrote:
On 10/09/2011 11:28 AM, Felix Knecht wrote:
Hi all

I setup a small sample how this could look alike when splitting things
off and discard legacy things.

Have a TLP pom.xml (james-parent / james-project or ...) being a merge
of the 2 former TLP/parent poms [1][2]. New the pluginManagement section
will contain all the plugins with their version and their configuration
so far this can be applied to each module. This is specially the case
for the site generation (not only javadoc).

The skin module [3] is no longer part of the TLP pom module but has its
own module space lets name it james-skin which is less irritating than
maven-skin at first glance.

What shall happen with the existing project tree [1], which will become
obsolete? Will it be replace by the proposed TLP module (when it gets
named 'james-project') or does it just stays as it is and a new module
'parent' for TLP module is created?

Another approach than splitting up in different modules is to clean up
the current parent.pom [4] so it contains more or less only the
definitions to build the project maven-skin and the project module. This
will mean [4] will not have a <parent> definition (and all the other
stuff like <properties>, <developers>, ...) at all and the TLP pom will
be the current project.pom [5]. Definitions now in the parent.pom [4]
will be merged into the new TLP pom [5]. The new TLP pom [5] will have
as parent org.apache/apache.

When going the 2nd way B) we should IMO move the legacy server [6] tree
to somewhere else as it is no longer used.



I also setup mailbox in my sandbox project [7] to see if and how it
works. I'm neither able to generate the site (mvn site) nor to genrate
the technical reports (mvn site -Psite-reports). In both situations I
get following error which is hardly a problem of the new structure using
the demo poms but resulting of the javadoc-plugin configuration somehow.
Do you haven any ideas what could be wrong?

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin:2.8:aggregate (default) on
project apache-james-mailbox: An error has occurred in JavaDocs report
[ERROR] Exit code: 1 - javadoc: error -
doesn't exist or is not readable.
[ERROR] Command line was: /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0/jre/../bin/javadoc
-J-Xmx1024m -J-Xms256m @options @packages

[1] https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/james/project/trunk
[2] https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/james/project/trunk/project
[3] https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/james/project/trunk/maven-skin
[4] https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/james/project/trunk/pom.xml
[5] https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/james/project/trunk/project/pom.xml
[6] https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/james/project/trunk/project/server
[7] https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/james/trunk/sandbox/felixk/mailbox

Hi Eugen

Your right :-)

On 10/08/2011 09:18 PM, Ioan Eugen Stan wrote:

Thanks, I am not familiar with the installation for the rest of the
implementations, including guice. Maybe you can put in some words
about them?

For now, I am trying to make APIviz docs just for mailbox, and it
seems that the pom hierarchy is very complex. I have a solution for
standard javadoc:javadoc but that doesn't apply for site generation. I
will try to find a way to configure the site generation javadoc plugin
so all is ok.

I did notice that the pom files need some clean-up and refactoring.
For example, for javadoc-plugin there is a lot of duplicate
configuration. I suggest we move a lot of the common configuration to
PluginManagement and dependencyManagement sections in the parent pom
and rely on inheritance to solve the rest of the issues.

IMO we could do this for all kind of reporting plugins, not only for the
javadoc one. Most of are used in the maven-site-plugin anyway. This
would mean, that parent pom (org.apache.james/james-project.pom) will be
released quite often, e.g. when updating to the latest reporting plugin
versions. I'm not aware, that we can change the version but keep the
configuration in a child pom, but maybe anybody knows more about this.
Doing the configurations in the parent pom would make the child poms

I wonder if we could not even merge the james-parent.pom and the
james-project.pom into james-parent.pom? AFAICS james.project.pom would
build legacy documentation for the server what is commented anyway.
Doing so the project/project/src/site would need to be moved one level
up as well (into james-parent.pom)

We could even clean up the directory tree and move the legacy server 2.x
stuff into a branch or to attic or where ever and have the james-parent
renamed to the real name 'james-parent' from 'james-project', containg
only the parent pom including pluginManagement section (including
configurations for plugins used be site generation such as javadoc,
findbugs and others) and the stuff for general site src stuff which is
located atm @project/project/src/site.



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