On 06/28/2012 04:00 PM, Jochen Gazda wrote:
1.- profile noTest on mailbox-integration-tester: ok

2.- LocalAndVirtualMailboxLocatorChain: what's the goal?

MailDir is a file system based storage. There is the MaildirLocator
interface for mapping of MailboxNames to file system directories and
back. There are two basic MaildirLocator implementations:
LocalSystemMaildirLocator (maps to /home/<user>/MailDir) and
VirtualMailboxLocator (maps to<virtualRoot>/<domain>/<user>). The
third one, LocalAndVirtualMailboxLocatorChain, cobines the two.

Ok, got it.
(naming is just not consistent across LocalSystemMaildirLocator / VirtualMailboxLocator / LocalAndVirtualMailboxLocatorChain (you have Maildir in the first, not in the others).

3.- MailboxPath is now MailboxName: Path sounded more like

Yes, I agree, that is the case for common English. But there is no
single occurence of 'path' in RFC3501. It speaks only about
(hierarchical) names. On the other hand, MailboxPath/MailboxName is
our internal term which does not map 1:1 to the IMAP hierachical name.
We can name it however we want. I am not against going back to

The key is 'hierarchical'. I find MailboxPath correctly reflect this point. With MailboxName, you loose that, and MailboxHierarchicalName is just too long.

At first sight, I would prefer to revert to MailboxPath.

4.- MailboxNameResolver on MailboxManager

You mean that the methods from MailboxNameResolver should better move
to MailboxManager? - Well, MailboxManager is defines storage
operations, but MailboxNameResolver interprets names. That is
something different. Two distinct MailboxNameResolvers are conceivable
for a single MailboxManager; see (5) in my previous post (
/users/<username>  vs. /users/<username>/INBOX ).

I was just pointing an additional method MailboxNameResolver getMailboxNameResolver(); on the MailboxManager interface.

So good as is.

5.- MailboxSession has no more PersonalSpace nor UserSpace but a

The capability to list namespace prefixes has moved from
MailboxSession to MailboxNameResolver, which is now a member of
MailboxSession. Listing namespace prefixes belongs to the mailbox
hierarchy definition entailed in MailboxNameResolver.


MailboxOwner is needed to distinguish groups from persons and 'normal'
(domain-less) users from virtual users.

So you assume a mailbox has always an owner.
Sounds logical, but is it sustained by the RFC?

8. mmh, MailboxPath is still there.

Yes, it is still there because there are still references to it from
mailets project which I was not able to fix.
Otherwise there are only refs in comments which can generally be
replaced by MailboxName.

Would it be solved if we revert from MailboxName to MailboxPath?

9. MailboxNameSerializer, MailboxNameBuilder, MailboxNameCodec,
MailboxNamespaceType, MailboxNameEscaper

MailboxNameSerializer belongs to my first attempts. It could be made
parent of MailboxNameCodec or replaced altogether. As for
MailboxNameCodec cf. (6) of my previous post.
MailboxNameBuilder - allows for saving some memory and string-copying
when creating a new MailboxName.

MailboxNameEscaper - ancillary interface for MailboxNameCodec.
MailboxNameCodec implementations mostly differ only in the
MailboxNameEscaper they use.

I need to read back all this.
Is the goal of all these classes to better support mailbox name charsets and to build the hierachical mailbox name structure in a efficient way?

10. LikeSearchPatternEscaper: why deal with JCR, SQL in the API?

It is not API, but common to many API consumers. Can you see a better
place for it?

I would prefer not to have them in the API, but we can leave it as such for now.

11. More and more unit tests... :)

Finite verb?

... is good :)

Well, yes, definitely more typing - that is con.
Pros are:
  - Handling mailbox names more reliably
  - Mailbox names are interpreted on one central place.
  - Namespace prefixes other than personal are now possible, esp. group
folders are possible

As con, you will end with a few more object to instantiate, mainly on mailbox selection, but IMHO I this won't be an issue at all

To be honest, I didn't see well if and how the ACL are applied... :)

New in my proposal is only that the ACLs can now be stored in JPA, JCR
and HBase in addition to MailDir. They are still not enforced though.
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IMAP-358 is still open for that

OK, with these changes, you are now in a better place to implement the ACL.


[1] is now outdated, one can use
to see the relevant diffs.

On 06/27/2012 06:55 PM, Jochen Gazda wrote:


I have finally managed it to publish my changeset on GitHub:
The state of my brach MAILBOX-175 is in sync with the currently latest
svn revision 1354581. My brach MAILBOX-175 can also be diffed against
svn revision 1354581 directly on GitHub.

Sorry for the delay, I am new to git and I have a new job.

Please comment.



On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 1:51 PM, Ioan Eugen Stan<stan.ieu...@gmail.com>

HI Gazda,

Git is great.


2012/6/13 Eric Charles<e...@apache.org>:

Hi Gazda,

I'm fine with the push to your personal github. It offers nice ui to

Thx, Eric

On 06/13/2012 10:32 AM, Jochen Gazda wrote:


I could invest about 6 weeks of my time into solving
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MAILBOX-175 and
The result is quite a huge and deep changeset. There is a de facto
replacement for MailboxPath - so you can imagine, how many classes
were changed.

Before going too much into details I wanted to agree on a way how my
changeset could find its way into SVN.

The changes should be discussed before they are committed to trunk.
But I am not sure what is the best way to share my changes before they
are committed to trunk.
Would cloning from http://git.apache.org/ and pushing changes to my
personal GitHub repo be a viable solution?
I am also ready to send my zipped workspace (~30MB) to anybody who
wants to have a quick look.



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