FYI all - I'm moving this back on the server list. I bcc'd all the 
original thread people. I will try to keep all EduBlog design on the 
list now unless it involves passwords.

Hi Tarun,

Interesting challenge, thanks for the background. I thought we would use 
the journal to move things from Write to EduBlog (aka Browse). Is that 
completely nailed and working with the new tweaked write version?

If so, we don't need to solve this copy and paste via clipboard problem 
you note below. I want to start Alpha ASAP and Beta on August 1. Let me 
know if this is a blocker.


Greg S

Tarun Pondicherry wrote:
> Hi Greg
>> Not sure what is needed in Write upload... can you describe? 
> The issue is that the only format that contains the images that the 
> libabiword version on 656 can export to is the AbiWord format (mime: 
> application/x-abiword).  I'm trying hard to find a PHP library to 
> convert this to html, but have not been successful.  Write is supposed 
> to be able to export to xhtml, and rtf, but neither actually work.  
> Similar issue with libabiword, which should support xhtml, rtf and odt, 
> but none seem to work as far as I can tell.  Thus, we need to parse the 
> abiword file on the server.  The option I am thinking of now as a 
> temporary fix is to load the latest libabiword on the server and get it 
> to convert the files since coding the abw-->xhtml conversion in PHP is 
> highly non trivial.  Copy and paste is linked to this issue.  libabiword 
> doesn't put the data on the clipboard in the correct format.
> I guess a good question is when is the exact deadline for starting the 
> beta test?  If we need to be done by August 1st, then I will try hard to 
> atleast support basic formatting and images in some way (may be a bit 
> sloppy) and clean it up later.
> Thanks,
> Tarun
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