Hi Greg
> - just close write
> - choose Keep then one of RTF, TXT or HTML
RTF and HTML don't save images properly.  (RTF is not even real RTF its 
still abw).
> are you saying that neither of those types of journal entries can be 
> inserted in to the EduBlog GUI?
HTML would be easily done, but the version of libabiword in 656 does not 
support images in its HTML.  RTF is just broken.
> Sounds like Pablo got an image to upload. I wonder what he did that is 
> different...
Images can upload from the tinyMCE editor in EduBlog, I think that is 
what he used.
> I hope we don't have to build and distribute a new write at this 
> stage. I appreciate that you have the skills to do this but it sounds 
> hard to me.
Not planning on a new Write.  Planning to install the latest libabiword 
on the server and use its command line functionality to convert the 
files.  Its the only way out I can see right now since we are short on time.

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