I've just done a test sequence on EduBlog and have a lot of comments and questions, so let's start step by step...
*Creating a new blog * - The login page isn't in spanish - I'm not sure how to manage users with EduBlog.... I think we should start a wiki page to start documenting (and discussing it). Volunteers? :-) - In the "Adding a new OU blog" form, I can't access the "Manage Remote Blogs" button, it takes me to a page that says "Sorry, but you do not currently have permissions to do that ([[oublog:manageremoteblogs]]) More information about this error<http://docs.moodle.org/en/error/moodle/nopermissions>". * - It would be better if some options could be hidden, like "Common module settings". *New blog post* - From the moodle interface, I couldn't upload any picture. I could use the other interface ( http://edublog.venango.org/test/EduBlog/moodle/mod/oublog/editpost.php?blog=2), but with this one I cannot select the blog to post to. * - I tried to upload a Write document, but I couldn't from any of the interfaces (am I doing right? I tried to upload the file as an image). I marked with * the points I find more important. I also would like to summarize some points of how the daily work would be. Let's see... - First of all, the teacher will have to get a user and password for the system. - The teacher creates a new blog using the interface http://edublog.venango.org/test/EduBlog/moodle/course/modedit.php?add=oublog&type=&course=2§ion=0&return=0 - All of her children have to get a user and password. - Then, the teacher can propose some work to be done, for which children will have to make their posts to the blog. To do so, children will have to access to the blog page (the moodle one), and click on "New blog post". - As children submit their posts, the teacher will be able to see them in the blog page. Children will only see their own posts and the ones already approved by the teacher. Question: How can a child know if his post was approved? - The approved posts will go public, depending on the configuration: If there is a remote blog configured (blogspot for instance), they will appear there. If it's local only, it will be seen by others, depending on the visibility configuration of the blog. All agree with this? Saludos, Pablo Flores
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