Nothing ever got logged to either the james.log file or the wrapper.log file. 
Like it didn't make it far enough in the starting process to log anything.

The link the previous responder posted offered a helpful tip. ( )

On that James help page, he said:  "I have a couple of reasons for favouring 
the use of over the james command. Firstly I found that although james 
start and james console works fine on a fedora linux system, it fails in a way 
mysterious to me on debian."

I think I will try his method of using instead of "james start". That 
prevents a clean stop/shutdown from occurring in an automated way, but I guess 
everything is a trade-off.

Thanks all for the help and assistance.

On Monday, April 19, 2021, 8:19:57 AM PDT, Garry Hurley 
<> wrote: 

What are the errors in your James.log file?

By the way, I had set up my James files to locate my logs in a configurable 
directory by setting up a ‘log_dir’ variable in the properties file and 
locating all logs in log_dir. That makes it easier for organizations that are 
required to move their logs to a certain directory for monitoring and sharing 
purposes when the James admin is separate from the server admin

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 19, 2021, at 2:26 AM, Scott <> wrote:
> Does anyone have a working james.service systemd file that will run 
> correctly on Ubuntu 20.04 with the new Apache James 3.6?
> I tried both configurations in this thread with failed results:  
> The journalctl log message just said "Exit code" with either of those 
> configurations. This was the last one I tried before I gave up:
> [Unit]
> Description=Apache James 3.6 Mail Server
> [Service]
> Type=forking
> Environment="JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java"
> WorkingDirectory=/usr/local/james/bin 
> ExecStart=/usr/local/james/bin/james start
> ExecStop=/usr/local/james/bin/james stop
> RestartSec=10
> Restart=always
> [Install]
> What would happen when I would run "systemctl start james" was that it would 
> start, run for 10-15 seconds, and then stop.
> For those running James in a prod environment, what are you doing to 
> auto-start and stop it on system reboots?
> Scott

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