On Jan 19, 2016, at 8:58 AM, Marcus Larsson <marcus.lars...@oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Please review the following patch to fix an issue in UL causing the VM to 
> crash during shutdown.
> The problem is that the static LogStdoutOutput is deinitialized before the 
> last use of it (G1 concurrent thread tries to log very late during VM 
> shutdown). The solution is to make sure neither LogStdoutOutput nor 
> LogStderrOutput are deinitialized during the full lifetime of the VM. To 
> accomplish this I've changed the storage from static objects to static 
> pointers to heap instances that are allocated & initialized on first use [0]. 
> These instances are never deleted and can always be used. Also updated 
> LogConfiguration::finalize to disable all file outputs before deleting & 
> freeing them.
> Webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mlarsson/8146009/webrev.00/
> Issue:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8146009
> Testing:
> - local runs of the reproducer (500+ iterations without crashing)
> - JPRT
> Thanks,
> Marcus
> [0]: https://isocpp.org/wiki/faq/ctors#static-init-order-on-first-use

  32 LogOutput* LogOutput::stdout_output() {
  33   static LogOutput* instance = new LogStdoutOutput();
  34   return instance;
  35 }
  37 LogOutput* LogOutput::stderr_output() {
  38   static LogOutput* instance = new LogStderrOutput();
  39   return instance;
  40 }

Function scoped statics may not be thread-safe.

They are thread-safe by default for gcc4.x (there's a compiler option
to disable that).  I'm pretty sure they are not for older versions of
Visual Studio, though C++11 requires thread-safe initialization so
some relatively recent version of VS probably makes them so.  I don't
know about Solaris or other platforms.


The failure situation this change is attempting to address may still
technically invoke undefined behavior with the change.  I think that
referencing the function scoped static during exit processing may be
theoretically problematic because the variable may have been
destroyed.  It likely works despite that, since the destructor for a
pointer-typed value probably trivially does nothing.

This suggests that even thread-safe statics may not make the
stdxxx_output functions strictly correct.


Why do we still have gc (or any other) threads running during a
shutdown that does exit processing[1]?  That seems like the real bug
here.  Shouldn't we either have stopped all threads before exit
processing, or not be doing exit processing at all and instead be

[1] By exit processing I mean the distinction between exit(3) et al
and abort(3).


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