Hi Mandy,Alan,

Thanks for your inputs.
If I keep it as launcher option, it may need to know JMX agent flags which may need to be extended in future. I would prefer making it a VM option. I will make the required changes and send out an updated webrev.


On Thursday 25 January 2018 09:31 PM, mandy chung wrote:
Hi Harsha,

JEP 293 [1] describes the guidelines for JDK command-line options.  As Alan points out, new options should move away from -X prefix but use `--` GNU-style long form option.  The guideline says:

The use of |-X| as a prefix to indicate "non-standard" options will be discontinued for new options, although command-line help may continue to draw a distinction between more commonly used options and those for advanced use.

You can consider `--management` as an alternative.  Should this be a launcher option that converts it to the corresponding `-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.<xxx>` rather than a VM option?

[1] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/293

On 1/24/18 11:21 PM, Harsha Wardhana B wrote:

Hi Erik,

The minimal command line would be,

"-Xmanagement", that will start only the local management server.

"-Xmanagement:local=true,port=aaaa" will start the remote management server without SSL or authentication.

On Wednesday 24 January 2018 06:13 PM, Erik Gahlin wrote:
Hi Harsha,

Very nice to see progress on this!

Before reviewing, the minimal command line to start up the default management server now becomes

No. Please refer above for minimal options.

and if you use a property that doesn't exist, or that is mandatory, you will get an error message stating what is wrong?
If we use property, that doesn't exist, we get invalid option error. As said before, no options are mandatory.
//./java -Xmanagement:ssl=true,authenticate=false,rmiregistry_ssl=true HelloWorld//
//Error: Invalid option specified: rmiregistry_ssl//

Could we reduce the command line further, so only a single property is needed:


or perhaps:


which would set ssl=false,authenticate=false, because that is what you want 99% of the time.



Please review the changes for above enhancement having webrev at,



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