On 07/02/2018 09:19, Harsha Wardhana B wrote:
Hi All,

After internal discussions, below format for management flags was agreed upon.

1. --start-management-agent port=1234,ssl=on        (space seperator)
2. --start-management-agent=port=1234,ssl=on        ('=' seperator)

If option 1 is specified, it will be converted to option 2 by the java launcher before it is passed onto VM.

With above GNU long format for management options, specifying arguments is mandatory unlike before.

--start-management-agent will not be recognized in the current format and hence will not default to --start-management-agent=local=true.
`--start-management-agent <value>` make sense and it wouldn't be hard to introduce `--start-local-management-agent` if really needed.

One point that needs discussion is whether the <value> needs something, maybe an agent name or kind, to make it clear what agent should be started. Today we have a JMX management agent, Oracle JDK downloads additionally have a SNMP management agent. There are several 3rd party exporters. If AgentProvider were promoted to an exported package then it would make this pluggibility a lot cleaner and would mean the --start-management-agent could specify the agent name/kind without needing hacks or forwarding by the JMX agent.


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