On Wed, 27 Mar 2024 18:39:38 GMT, Chris Plummer <cjplum...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> I think we also need to consider the flip side of this argument. Is this 
> something that some customers might want to always enable, but don't want to 
> always have UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions enabled. A new command line flag would 
> be needed in that case.
> Also, isn't UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions meant for enabling the use of 
> diagnostic command line flags? Do we have examples of it enabling a hotspot 
> feature that does not also require setting a diagnostic command line flag?

Thanks Chris - that is correct now I check the wording, 
UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions: "Enable normal processing of flags relating to field 

Yes it makes flags which are DIAGNOSTIC available at the command-line.  We have 
UnlockExperimentalVMOptions also.

My original reason for the guard, is that the risk of fooling  the "good oop" 
check is that we could possibly crash (so that's answering your other 
question).  Inspecting an arbitrary pointer that looks enough like a Java heap 
object to fool the test, means it might try and resolve bad addresses for Klass 
pointer or field data.

I also have a stress test which examines every address in a Java heap to test 
for crashes.  That's obviously long-running as it does a jcmd for every 
iteration.  But I can't currently get a crash, trying G1, ZGC, ZGCGenerational.

Having a global guard to prevent usage of VM.inspect may be needed less than I 
thought, but will wait on the other thread before saying that is really the 
case.  We could have a new -XX flag to guard it (whether specific to this 
command or a more general UnlockDiagnosticFeatures.  I would definitely stick 
to this being in all builds, as we frequently "debug" non-debug builds.

Also, for your comment above about the new version of dbg_is_good_oop: this was 
added because although there are not many callers of it, I did not want to 
upset them.  During my earlier testing the detailed version of this method did 
upset something, although I cannot reproduce that today.  

I will rerun some tests on these items...


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/17655#issuecomment-2025726278

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