On 7/26/07, Daniel Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yep.  When you specifically activate a profile via the command line, all
> the "activeByDefault" profiles are deactivated.   Thus, if you have the
> checks in an activeByDefault profile, they will run when you just
> type "mvn", but when you run -Pnochecks, the nochecks profile activates
> instead of the "checks" profile and the checks don't run.   In this
> case, the "nochecks" profile is empty in that it doesn't configure
> anything.

OK, so that makes sense to me. I had no idea that there was a checks
profile - now I know.

> CXF does it that way and it works really well.   The "hard core"
> developers know about -Pnochecks and -Pfastinstall (fastinstall also
> skips the tests) and use them.   However, the "getting starting" people
> run mvn which executes the checks.   This makes sure patches that they
> submit are formatted correctly and such which makes applying the patches
> easier.
> For CXF, we also have a -Psetup.eclipse profile that REALLY gets things
> setup in eclipse. (goes way beyond eclipse:eclipse)   It injects the CXF
> checkstyle rules into the workspace, sets the workspace warning levels
> appropriately, injects the code format template, import order, etc....
> For each project, it also sets up Checkstyle and PMD (assumes you have
> the checkstyle and PMD plugins installed).     Thus eclipse does all the
> code format checks for me.    Thus, I usually run with -Pnochecks.

I've seen these goals in the CXF POMs before and just figured that
they were CXF-specfiic. So are fastinstall and setup.eclipse
specifically for CXF or are they profiles in Maven? I like the idea of
the setup.eclipse profile because I just created an Eclipse code
convention profile and I was looking at using the Checkstyle and PMD
Eclipse plugins as well.

perl -e 'print unpack("u30","D0G)[EMAIL 

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