Seems like I don't write for months, then I write a bunch in a few days.

Took the 1987 SC out for inspections. It passed without trouble, runs good now that the timing belt is in the right place. Pulls hard, spun tire in second gear. Felt like it used to.

So I stop at a local motorcycle place to look up some part numbers, come back out to the car and it won't start. It cranks, but no fire. It has done this before, especially on hot summer days.

I get the service manager to run me up to Advance Auto Parts and I get a new ignition pickup (Hall Effect) and install that. NO CHANGE, still won't start. I thought that my Hall Effect was going bad from other peoples suggestions. Last time it did this, it would restart after sitting for 15 minutes. No luck this time. My parents live about 30 minutes away so I call them and my mother says she will come pick me up. When she arrives, the car still won't start. Figuring I have nothing to loose, I check the codes. Here's the list.

22 : Coolant Temp Sensor ( I expected that because I tried to start it unhooked hoping to fire in the closed loop setting) 27 : Fuel Injector Control Circuit or injector circuit not responding ( That's new to me)
34 : Speed Control Vacuum ( don't have speed control )
43 : Ignition Control circuit or spark interface circuit ( Another new one to me ) 54 : Problem with the distributor synchronization circuit ( related to 43 ? )

So I unplug connectors, the one near the baro sensor ( 5 wires ? ) had oilly crud in it, so I wiggled it around, the plug on the power module pushed in a hair and the rest that I could get to easily looked good. Got in, turned the key, fired right up. THIS MAKES NO SENSE !!!!

So I drive home, running very well again. Pull in the driveway and let it sit running. At one point when the radiator fan kicked in, I thought it was going to stall. It stumbled, recovered and kept running. I shut it off, waiting 10 minutes, tried to restart it. It fired up. I checked the codes again and got,

12 : Memory standby power lost
34 : see above

All the other codes were gone.

I really need some help here folks. I don't want to drive it to Carlisle like this.


1987 Shelby Charger
Greensburg, PA

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