wasalaam...  well i m reading  so much about the current  topic on  our
group and I wonder   why so much hatred regarding  bro Alex..  are far as
I read his name  He is is a revert..   Im a shia muslim...   yet i have
never cursed Abu BAkr  Omar    ect..

 I dnt curse the,,,,m....  does it make ime a bad  shia muslim?? No it
doesnt.. I feel   I m  sinned myself to go n curse people.. its Allah
diision to forgive   punish n curse...yes i dislike the souls sho
tortured   all Imams and  thier families...  But i dont curse..

My stand is  to all the people who are   against bro Alex to look within...
As far as I knw we all  have right to dicuss matters n issue here  with love
faith and a helping hand...  plz dont speak against bro Alex  just bcoz  he
speaks wht he feels..

Best Regards,

On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 3:27 AM, Alex McDavid McDavid <
muhammad...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Assalam Alaikum
> Dear Mohsin
> I think I am a very good shia for I am not a hater or use my tongue to
> curse people nor do I curse the gods of religion as I was commanded by
> Allah.
> I se myself as Ali's followers whom you and your fellow so called shias
> have abuse and accuse me to be a hipocrite!!
> By Allah I am more shia than many of you hence I know MY staff very well,
> Omar or Abubakar and Othman can never be a soft target for me because they
> are deadi, Are you cursing the dead who cannot answer you? Is this the
> Sunnah of teh Prophet or the Sunnah of Imam Ali to curse the dead? Or it is
> the sunnah of Muawiyyah and Yazid?
> My dear brothers, my great goal is to become a good Muslim and that by
> purifying myself from hate, revenge, cursing and judging people as I am not
> a Judge, there is a speacial Day for Dhalimun, Allah has kept it for them.
> ever forgotten those who transgress... but rather he respire them at a Day
> in which the eyes will be wandering for shame"
> Then, why should I be kept busy with Omar and his friends instead of
> following my Habiib Ali Bin Abu talib and reconcile, amend and repairs the
> mistakes done by them... I do not have time to curse as I am not an Idiot,
> cursing isa weapon for Idiots like Yazid and not for the True Shias!!
> I never read a single Hadith from Imam Baqir (a.s) which curses the three
> Caliphs, was not Imam Baqir the Fountaion of wisdom and that our sixth Imam
> took all what he taught the Shias from his father? Where were you when Imam
> Zeynul Abedin gave to us a speacial good Dua for the Sahabas of the Prophet
> and qouted the verse of Surat Al-Hashr saying WALA TAJ'AL FI QULUBINA GHILA
> Do you want to say that the Messenger of Allah did allow non Muslims like
> Abubakar, Omar and Othman to be around him and pass so many secrets to them
> unknowingly of their faith? What are you judging then?
> Maa shaallah, alhamdulillah, I am a Shia Muslim with no apology but I will
> not abuse any one knowing that most of the Hadith and Stories of the Sahabas
> and what have aspires between them in the time of Fitna contains some
> fabrications and exeggerations due to sectarian motives.
> Maa salaam, yours in faith Alex MacDavid, Muhammad..
> ------------------------------
> From: hasmoh...@talktalk.net
> To: muhammad...@hotmail.com
> Subject: Feel Sorry
> Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 10:42:27 +0100
> Brother Salaams on to you whoever you are:
> Kindly apologize for the two verdicts you have been trying to argue just
> for nothing and such solver - The 12th - is watching you over; can't you see
> or feel His Presence? The Fatimah (Salamullah Alayha Wa Salaam) is His
> GRANDMOTHER and Ali (AlayHisSalaam) is his GRANDFATHER and again once
> reminding you that The 12th is PRESENT, who are you to discourse the facts
> and turn it face down???!! If you are younger than me, then I may call you
> an Idiot.
> Go, and seek apology to the Shia Ummah whom you have attacked by your false
> sermons like venoms.
> These three proved a great fitna on this Earth like before people already
> tried but vanished. Do not waste your precious time in asking like Pharaoh
> was also a nice man and may be Allah (SWT) will forgive him !!!? Is it
> possible?!! He was also sahabi of Musa after all, especially when he started
> to drown!!??
> Go man Go, and seek repentance before any more disaster takes place in your
> live which you turned from Alex bundled with McDavid to the great name
> Muhammad. You will be the Winner in this world and after this because you
> got the exactly on Siraat-Ul-Mustaqeem; so do not ashtray it, son!
> The wealth of this world will never do to you any good and you will be
> crushing your hereafter, is this a good idea?!!
> ------------------------------
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With Love & Patience, Everything is Possible.

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