The Prophet
(S.A.W) informed Ali (A.S.) about the dangerous situation and his plan to
migrate to Yasrib. He asked Ali (A.S.) if he would sleep in his (Prophet
(S.A.W)’s) bed covering himself with the Prophet (S.A.W)’s green chaddor. It
was a dangerous situation, the wall’s of the Prophet (S.A.W)’s house were
hardly seven feet high. Anybody could peep in and see whether the Prophet
(S.A.W) was in the house or not. But when the Prophet (S.A.W) asked Ali (A.S.)
if he would accept this danger to his life? Ali (A.S.) replied with a counter
question, "If I sleep in your place, in your bed, will your life be saved?"
"Yes." replied the Prophet (S.A.W), "Allah has promised me save
passage" Ali (A.S.) thanked Allah and slept in the bed of the Prophet
(S.A.W) covering himself with the Prophet (S.A.W)’s green chaddor. The Prophet
(S.A.W) left his house unobserved by the waiting assailants.
Commenting on
the sacrifice of Ali (A.S.), Imam Gazali in his Tareekhe Khamees writes that it
was for this occasion that revelation from Allah came, " Among the people
are those who sell their lives to seek the satisfaction of Allah." [Vol.1,
page 267] Qastalani in Mohabbe Ladeem says that Ali (A.S.) was the first person
to sell his life [Vol.1, page 78].
During the
night many stones and arrows were thrown on the bed of the Prophet (S.A.W) but
Ali (A.S.) did not move. In the morning when the assailants jumped in and
pulled the green chaddor they found Ali (A.S.) in the place of Mohammad
(S.A.W). "Where is Mohammad?" they asked in anger. "What do I
know? You did not give Mohammad to me," Ali (A.S.) replied. The assailants
wanted to kill him, but when they saw Ali (A.S.) defiant and ready to fight
they left him and went out in search of the Prophet (S.A.W).
This departure
of the Prophet (S.A.W) from Mecca to Yasrib is called Hijrat. It took place on 
Thursday in the month of September
622 A.D. The Muslim era is named after this event. It was introduced by Umar
Bin Khattab during his rule on the advice of Ali (A.S.). In those days the
solar calendar of the Christians and the ancient calendar known as Aamul Feel
were in vogue and people often got confused in recording the events.
Ali (A.S.)
stayed in Mecca for three days fulfilling the task the Prophet (S.A.W) gave 
him. Specially the
return of the goods and money, the people of Mecca had kept him for safe 
custody, and
arranging the supply of food and water to the Prophet (S.A.W) who was staying
in the caves of Hera on the outskirts of Mecca.
Ali (A.S.) arranged for the food and Amir Bin Faheera carried it to the cave.
As the Prophet (S.A.W) did not have any mounts with him nor any guide who could
show him the way to Yasrib Ali (A.S.) purchased three camels from the people of
Bahrain who were camping in Mecca and the services of Abdullah Bin Yarkat to
show the way to Yasrib [Tafseer-e- Durre Mansoor, Vol. 3, page 240].
completing the job Ali (A.S.) left Mecca in broad daylight with four ladies the 
Prophet (S.A.W) had asked him to bring.
They were :-
(1) Fatema
(S.A.) the Prophet (S.A.W)’s daughter, (2) Fatema, Ali (A.S.)’s mother, (3)
Fatema, cousin of Ali (A.S.) and Mohammad (S.A.W) and daughter of Hamza, (4)
Fatema, Ali (A.S.)’s aunt. The Quraish sent eight men to stop Ali (A.S.) from
taking these ladies with him, but Ali (A.S.) refused to part with them and
fought with them killing one Junnah and driving the rest away. The journey to 
was of ten days, and as Ali (A.S.) had only two camels with him on which the
ladies of his household were sitting he walked the entire 280 miles on foot.
The Prophet
(S.A.W) who had reached Quba (a village two miles before Yasrib) by then, was
anxiously awaiting his arrival. The Prophet (S.A.W) received Ali (A.S.),
embraced him and dressed his bleeding feet.
The Prophet
(S.A.W) during his four day stay at Quba constructed the worlds first Mosque
with the help of the local Muslims. He himself participated in the construction
work, and carried stones and mud on his head. The Muslims while constructing
the mosque recited, "Whosoever builds a Mosque and reads Quran is
saved." After completing the Mosque the Prophet (S.A.W) and his followers
offered their first prayer in it facing Jerusalem.
During the
Prophet (S.A.W)’s stay at Quba the strength of the Muslims grew constantly.
People broke their idols and embraced Islam. The Prophet (S.A.W) then left for
Yasrib with his entire group. Buraida Bin Al Hasseeb and his seventy men had
just embraced Islam took the Prophet (S.A.W) in a procession.
The city of Yasribwas a collection
of houses, castles, farms and gardens. All located in comparatively green
lands. The inhabitants of this city belonged to the tribes of Aws and Khazraj
the two branches of Azd clan, an idol worshipping community. Along with them
lived Bani Quraizah, Bani Nazir and Bani Quinqaa, the Jewish tribes who had
migrated from different places and settled here. The city of Yasriblike other 
cities of those days were
ruled by oppression, tyranny and war. The tribes of Aws and Khazraj always
fought among themselves and were bitter enemies of each other. But their enmity
ended to some extent with the arrival of the Prophet (S.A.W) to Yasrib with his
message of love, brotherhood and equality, kindness and sincerity, the
blessings of Islam.

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