
Subject: Revelations of Imam Jafar as-Sadiq a.s

Rotation of the Earth round the Sun:

At the age of 11, the Imam refuted the theory that the sun, moon and the 
planets rotated around the earth. He said that the sun, during its course round 
the earth, passes through the 12 constellations in one year and remains in each 
constellation for 30 days, so why does it then disappear from sight during the 
night. It should remain visible in each constellation for 30 days. Ptolemy** 
theory said that the sun has two movements. One of its movements is that it 
crosses the sign of the zodiac and goes round the earth in one year and the 
other movement is that it goes round the earth in one night and one day, as a 
result of which we see it rise in the east and set in the west.

** Ptolemy was a geographer and astronomer who was born in Alexandria in the 
2nd century B. C. He enriched his knowledge by reading the books of great 
scholars of Greece in the library of Alexandria. He borrowed from Euclid, the 
great mathematician, the idea that the sun rotated round the earth and then 
developed his own theory known as the Ptolemaic System. Since then up to the 
8th century BC no one refuted this theory.
Aristotle was a great thinker and philosopher. His books, Arganan and Physics, 
are the most precious literary treasures of mankind, but his theory that the 
earth is stationary and the sun and stars rotate around it, delayed the 
progress of the science of Astronomy and kept mankind in the darkness of 
ignorance for 1800 years.
The Imam remarked that those two movements were not compatible. When the sun 
had to pass through the sign of the zodiac in one year and stay in each 
constellation for 30 days how could it change its course and go round the earth 
in 24 hours?

He also announced that the earth rotated around its own axis. The great scholar 
Poincare who lived in the 20th century made fun of this theory. When such a 
scholar could refuse to believe this, how could people in the 1st and 2nd 
century of the Hijra believe in the theory of the Imam. The rotation of the 
earth on its own axis could be proved by observation only. When astronauts 
landed on the surface of the moon, and directed their telescope towards the 
earth they observed that it was rotating slowly on its axis.

Some people might say that it was only by guesswork that Imam Jafar as-Sadiq 
(a) said that the earth rotates on its own axis. Sometimes it happens that 
guesswork proves to be correct. But the question arises as to why no one else 
had guessed that for such a long time. This proves that he knew the laws of 
astro-physics which enabled him to make that discovery. If he had not known 
those laws, it would have been impossible for him to discover the rotation of 
the earth on its axis. This discovery could not have been accidental. One must 
know the cause to know its effect.
Tragically, for reasons stated above, the real credit of discovery of the 
movement of the earth round the sun was given to Copernicus who was an 
astronomer and mathematician, in the 15th Century. The theory of the earth 
rotation around its own axis went to Galileo who discovered the telescope

Theory of the Four Elements:

At the age of 12 he rejected the theory of Four Elements of Aristotle and 
proved that it is wrong. He remarked : "I wonder how a man like Aristotle could 
say that in the world there are only four elements - Earth, Water, Fire, and 
Air. The Earth is not an element. It contains many elements. Each metal, which 
is in the earth, is an element.

For 1,000 years this theory was never refuted, and remained the corner stone of 
physics. Imam Jafar as-Sadiq proved that Water, Air, and Fire were also not 
elements, but a mixture of elements. This he said 1,100 years before the 
European scientists discovered that air was not an element and had separated 
its constituents. To derive the fact that Air is not an element, but a mixture 
of elements, was impossible to conclude in the Imam's age and time. He said 
that there are many elements in the air and that all of them are essential for 

It was only in the 18th century, which was considered the golden age of 
science, after Lavoisier separated oxygen from the air and demonstrated the 
important role it plays in breathing and combustion that they accepted that it 
is not an element. However, even then they were of the opinion that other 
elements do not play a part in breathing. In the middle of the 19th century 
scientists changed their views about the part played by other elements in 
breathing. By that time it was also proved that although oxygen purifies blood, 
it also burns combustible materials, which come in contact with it. If living 
beings breath pure oxygen for a long time, their breathing organs would be 
oxidised. Oxygen does not damage them because it is mixed with other gases. 
Therefore, they concluded that the presence of other gases which are in very 
minute quantities in the air is also essential for breathing.

Moreover, oxygen being the heaviest of all other gases in the air would have 
settled at the bottom and covered the surface of the earth up to a certain 
depth. As a result, breathing organs of all animals would have been burnt and 
animal life would have become extinct. Moreover it would have cut off the 
supply of carbon dioxide, which plants need so badly, and made it impossible 
for them to grow on the surface of the earth. Presence of other gases in the 
air does not let oxygen settle down to the bottom and destroy animal and plant 

At last, after more than 1000 years, the theory of Jafar as-Sadiq (a) that 
presence of all gases in the air is essential for breathing was proved to be 
correct. He was the first person to discover that oxygen produces acidity. Time 
did not allow him to make known to the world further such revelations, but he 
was indeed proved the pioneer and leader in the scientific study of oxygen.

Origin of the Universe:

The Imam's another wonderful theory is about the 'Origin of the Universe'. When 
modern scientists read this theory they confirm that it totally agrees with the 
modern theory, which has not yet become a law of physics. However, it has the 
unique distinction that it was enunciated 12 centuries ago. The theory read as 
follows :

" The universe was born out of a tiny particle, which had two opposite poles. 
That particle produced an atom. In this way matter came into being. Then the 
matter diversified. This diversification was caused by the density or rarity of 
the atoms."

The most significant point in this theory is the description of two opposite 
poles. The importance of this point was realised when the presence of two 
opposite poles was proved by modern science. Today it is an undisputed fact in 
atomic science and electronics.

Another of his interesting theory was that the universe is not always in one 
and the same condition. In one periods it expands and in another it contracts.

This phenomenon was considered for centuries as inconceivable and the theory 
remained quite incomprehensible to the leading astronomers. After the 18th 
century more and more powerful telescopes were built and astronomers could see 
beyond our solar system. It was in 1960 that it was observed and confirmed by 
astronomers that distances between our galaxy and the neighbouring galaxies are 
increasing. These observations have provided sufficient proof that the universe 
is in a state of expansion. We do not know when this expansion started. The 
discovery of black holes has proved his other statement that the universe 
sometimes contracts was also proved true. Hence the Imam's theory was proved to 
be correct.

The Imam also stated that everything in the universe including inanimate 
objects, is always in motion although we may not see it. There is nothing 
without motion.

This theory, which was unacceptable in his time, is a scientific fact today. It 
is impossible to imagine, explain and describe an object in the universe, which 
is without motion. Motion is the essence of being. If there is no motion these 
is no existence. It is perpetual motion which creators life. In other words 
perpetual motion itself is life. If the motion stops, life would cease to 
exist. It is by the Will of Allah that eternal motion never stops and the life 
cycle continues. This eternal movement will continue till the Dooms-Day.

Jaber, his pupil once asked the Imam "How does the movement of the stars keep 
them from falling?"

The Imam replied : "Put a stone in a sling and swing it round your head. The 
stone will stay in the sling so long as you are rotating it. But as soon as you 
stop the rotation, the stone will fall down on the ground. In the same way the 
perpetual motion of stars keeps them from falling down.

Contribution in Physics:

Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (a) made many discoveries in physics which no one had even 
dreamt of before him and no one could think of after him. One of the laws 
worked out by him is about opacity and transparency of materials. He said that 
materials which are solid and absorbent are opaque, and materials which are 
solid and repellent are more or less transparent. When he was asked about the 
thing which is absorbed by an opaque material, he replied "Heat"

Today this theory is one of the Laws of Physics. How wonderful it is that in 
the 2nd century A. H., he could enunciate such a new and unique theory.

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