Fatimah Masoomah (PBUH) similar to Hadrat Fatimah (PBUH)


On the first of Dhi al-Qa'dah in 173 AH, the city of Medina was enlightened
by the birth of Hadrat Fatimah Ma'soomah (PBUH)(1). She was born to Imam
Moosa ibn Ja'far (PBUH) and her mother, Najmah. 

Hadrat Fatimah Masumah (PBUH) was the second and last child of Najmah, after
her older brother, Imam Ali ibn Moosa al-Reza (PBUH). In fact, after Imam
Reza (PBUH), she has the highest status and position amongst the children of
Imam Moosa al-Kadhim (PBUH). (2)
One year after Imam Reza (PBUH)was forcibly taken to Khurasan (in year 201
AH) by the orders of Ma'moon, Hadrat Masumah (PBUH), along with her brothers
and some of her relatives, left Medina for Marw in order to visit her
brother, Imam Reza (PBUH). 
On their way, when they reached the city of Saweh, the enemies of Ahl
al-Bait attacked them. After a serious struggle, many of her relatives were
martyred, and a woman in Saweh poisoned her. (3)

Grief over the loss of her relatives and the effects of the poison put
Hadrat Masumah (PBUH) into a severe illness. She asked her companions to
take her to the city of Qum, for she had heard her father say, "Qum is the
center of our Shiites."
When she arrived in Qum, the people of the city welcomed her. Moosa ibn
Khazraj, who was amongst the great people of Qum, respectfully invited her
to his house.

17 days later, on the 10th of Rabi' al-Thani of the year 201 AH, after 28
years of sufferance and difficulty, Hadrat Ma'soomah (PBUH)no longer could
endure her sickness and the effects of the poison. She left this world with
a broken heart, while she had not been able to see her brother. She was
buried in Qum and her shrine became the beauty of this city since then.
>From amongst the narrators, we come across to narrators who happen to be
women. One of these virtuous women is Hadrat Ma'soomah (PBUH), who has
narrated many Hadiths from Lady Fatimah (PBUH) and the other Infallibles
(PBUT). Actually, because of her prominence, both Shia and Sunni narrators
have considered the Hadith narrated by her as authentic. 
The Hadiths narrated about Hadrat Ma'soomah (PBUH) reveal her superiority in
knowledge and virtue (6). From the point of view of Ahl al-Bait (PBUT),
Hadrat Ma'soomah possesses a high status. In regards to her particular
status, Imam Reza (PBUH) has said:
"One who visits the shrine of Ma'soomah {PBUH} in Qum is like one who has
visited my shrine." (7)


As this Hadith illustrates, not only the Ziarat of Hazrat Ma'soomah is
stated to be similar to doing the Ziarat of an Infallible Imam, but also she
has been given the title of a Ma'soomah (infallible woman) by an Imam.
Considering the fact that an infallible does not exaggerate, one can come to
this conclusion that Hazrat Ma'soomah owns some sort of infallibility. 
Also in regards to her particular status, Imam Sadiq (PBUH) has said:
". A lady from my children, named Fatimah daughter of Mousa, will pass away
there (Qum), which all our Shiites will enter paradise with her
intercession". (8)

Imam Sadiq (PBUH) said this Hadith at a time when neither Hadrat Ma'soomah
(PBUH)nor her father was born yet, and this expresses her high status. 

One of her virtues is that she has a special script for Ziarat dictated by
an Infallible Imam. She is the only women after Lady Fatimah (PBUH)- who is
the most superior lady in the two worlds - to have a script for Ziarat
dictated by an Infallible Imam. (9) 
Now on the occasion of her Birth let us go over on a phrase from her Ziarat:
"O Fatimah! Intercede for me in heaven, as you have an outstanding position
from Allah {SWT} for intercession."


(Selection taken from "The Generous Lady of Ahl al-Bait", by Ali Akbar
Mahdipour, and some other sources such as imamreza.net)

A valuable site for more information about Hadrat Fatimah Masoomah (PBUH)

1- No other days or months have been narrated regarding her birthday, but
two have been mentioned for the year she was born: 
a)173 AH (according to Mustadrak al-Saqifah) b) 183 AH (according to Nuzhat
al-Abrar - Lawaqih al-Anwar) 
Considering the date of martyrdom of Imam Moosa ibn Ja'far (PBUH), the first
date seems more likely to be true.
2- Tawarikh al-Nabi Wal'al, p. 65
3- Wasilah al-Ma'soomiah, by Mirza Aboutalib Byouk, p. 68; Al-Hayat
al-Siasiah lel Imam al-Reza (PBUH), by Ja'far Mortaza Ameli, p. 428
4- Nothing else has been narrated for the year of her martyrdom; however, 3
have been narrated for the day and month:
a) 10th of Rabi' al-Thani (according to Nuzhat al-Abrar and Lavaqih
al-Anwar) (which coincides with the 40th day after the martyrdom of Imam
Reza (PBUH))
b) 12th of Rabi' al-Thani (according to Mustadrak al-Saqifah)
c) 8th of Sha'ban (according to Hayat al-Sitt)
The first one seems more likely to be true
5- Kashf al-Le'ali, Salih ibn Arandas Helli
6- Nasikh al-Tawarikh, vol. 3, p. 68; Mustadrak Wasael al-Shia, vol. 10, p.
7- Al-Naqd, p. 196; Majalis al-Mu'minin, vol. 1, p. 83; Bihar al-Anwar, vol.
60, p. 216
8- Allamah Majlisi has narrated this Ziarat from Imam Reza (PBUH)in his
valuable book of "Tuhfah al-Za'ir" in addition to Bihar al-Anwar. He has
stated in the introduction of Tuhfah al-Za'ir that he had only narrated the
Ziarat which were proved to be authentic in that book.


Quran and Etrat Internet University

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