                                            NO. SOH – 1/2008 (MPO)
                                            Government of Gilgit Baltistan
                                            The Department of Home,
                                            Gilgit-Baltistan Secretariat.
 Dated the 26th April, 2010.
          WHEREASit has come to my knowledge that you, -------- s/o ------- r/o 
-------, are involved in activities detrimental to public tranquillity and 
whereas I have reasonable information to believe that your presence in 
Gilgit-Baltistan may be prejudicial to public safety and peace, therefore 
immediate preventive  measures are required to be taken.
            Therefore, I Asif Bilal Lodhi, Secretary Home Gilgit-Baltistan, in 
exercise of powers conferred upon me under Section 5 (1) (c) of West Pakistan 
Maintenance of Public Order Ordinance, hereby order you to remove yourself from 
the jurisdiction of Gilgit-Baltistan and not to return to the area for a period 
of 90 days.
            Issued under my hand and seal today on 26th April, 2010.
1.      The Chief Secretary Gilgit-Baltistan, Gilgit.
2.      The Inspector General of Police Gilgit-Baltistan Gilgit.
3.      Secretary to the Chief Minister, Gilgit-Baltistan.
4.      The HQs FCNA, Gilgit.
5.      The Deputy Secretary to Governor Gilgit-Baltistan Gilgit.
6.      The Deputy Commissioner Gilgit.
7.      The Deputy Commissioner, Skardu.
8.      The Deputy Commissioner, Diamer.
9.      The Deputy Commissioner, Ghizer.
1.     These very orders with change in the name only were handed over to all 
the deported leaders of Pakistan (Punjabistan) Occupied Gilgit-Baltistan and 
Pakistan Occupied Jammu Kashmir. Mr Asif  Bilal Lodhi is the new home secretary 
after posting out of another notorious and treacherous home secretary named 
Capt. (r) Usman from Multan. Usman was a master of sectarian divide and rule. 
He was a blue eyed of the Force Commander Northern Area (FCNA – Major General) 
and Commander 10 Corps (Lt.General) and was a linch pin on intelligence 
agencies i.e. two units of ISI commanded by Col Umair Najam Hashmi and Col 
Basit, 307 Corps Intelligence Battalion, 408 Intelligence Battalion, 
Intelligence Bureau, Special Branch Police etc. 
2.     The previous 1st Novermber 2009, deportation orders were issued by the 
Deputy Commissioner, Gilgit and a copy of it was not send to HQs FCNA, Gilgit. 
This means that Major General Qamar Javed Bajwa of Sargodha is behind the 
stage. The previous Commander FCNA, who was a pimp of General Pervez Musharaf 
and now is DGMT, GHQ (Major General Muzamil) used to be even ahead of the 
3.     Gilgit-Baltistan is even now not part of Pakistan, as there is not even 
a single work about it in the constitution of Pakistan; what to talk about the 
orders of the then West Pakistan Ordinance. 
4.     A befitting reply copy of this abhorrent and repugnant public order 
ordinance will be posted on net, which will be registered to all and sundry in 
due course of time. 
5.     The culprit journalist, who was the master mind of sowing the seeds of 
discord between elected Gilgiti and Balti members of the so called assembly and 
the nationalist forces has been authentically found out and warned accordingly. 
This black sheep is known as Syed Ikram Bukhari, special news correspondent. He 
belongs to Jhang, Punjab and is working in the media of Gilgit Baltistan for 
the last fifteen years. He is a confirmed agent of ISI and linked with 
6.     We do not accept the legality of the presence of Government of Pakistan 
in Gilgit-Baltistan and thus will violate this disorder in accordance with our 
own sweet will like before i.e. 1st November 2009, disorder. 


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