Imām `Alī Zaīnul `Ābidīn, the great-grandson of the  Prophet, writes: “It is 
the right of the non-Muslims living in a Muslim  country that you should accept 
what Allāh has  accepted from them and fulfill the responsibilities  which 
Allāh has accorded them… And there must be  a barrier keeping you from doing 
any injustice to  them, from depriving them of the protection of Allāh,  and 
from flaunting the commitments of Allāh and His Messenger concerning them. 
Because we have been  told that the Holy Prophet said, ‘Whosoever does  
injustice to a protected non-Muslim, I will be his  enemy (on the Day of 
Judgement).’” Imām `Alī Zaīnul `Ābidīn, Risālatul Huqūq, tr. SSA Rizvi 
(Vancouver: VIEF, 1989)  p.36

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