Ranks and Reward of an Ill Person (Courtesy:Yasen Munni) It has been reported 
on the authority of the Holy Prophet (SAW): An ill person has four 
characteristics: 1-  Sin is not written for him. 2-  God orders the angel to 
write for him the best of deeds he would do when he was in good  health. ... 3- 
 Every sin he has committed with body organs will be forgiven. 4-  He will be 
forgiven whether he dies or  survives.  When a muslim becomes ill, God will 
write for  him the best deeds he would do when he was  in good health and his 
sins would fall off like  the leaves of a tree.”  Whoever visits an ill person, 
should the ill  person recite a Du for him, it will be fulfilled.”  “Illness 
cleanses body from sins in the same  way that a black smiths’ bellows removes 
dust  from iron.” “A child getting sick is atonement for his  parents’ sins.” 
“God will send the following revelation to the  angel on the left side: Do not 
write anything for  my
 servant as long as he is under My shelter.  God will say to the angel on the 
right side: Write a virtue for the moaning of My servant.” “What a good pain is 
fever, for it gives a share  of affliction to every body organ and one who is  
not afflicted with tribulation has not any share. It is reported on the 
authority of Imam Sadeq ( AS): “The Messenger of Allah said: Fever is a sign of 
death and God’s prison on the earth. Its warmth  is form the Hell and this much 
of warmth is a  believer’s share of Fire.” “When a believer is suddenly 
affected with  fever, his sins fall off like the leaves of a tree. If he 
laments in his bed, his lamentations are as  Sobhanallah (Glory be to Allah) 
and his cry is  laelahaellallah (There is no God but Allah), his  moving in bed 
is as if he is fighting for the  cause of Allah. If he lives on and serves God, 
he will be forgiven. Happy is such a person!” “One-day fever is atonement for 
one year of sin  and
 its agony will body for the same period.  This agony is atonement for the past 
and future. ” “One who laments for a night but does not  complain or rather 
thanks God for it, the same  will serve as atonement for two years; one year  
for accepting the pain and one year for  forbearing it.” “Illness for a 
believer is as purification and  mercy but for the unbeliever it is punishment  
and curse.” “Illness persists in believer till his sins  cleansed. A headache 
of one night will remove  all sins except the cardinal ones.” It has been 
reported on the authority of Imam  Baqer (AS); “If a believer knows what great 
reward  afflictions have, he wishes to be cut into pieces  with scissors.” It 
has been reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet (SAW): “Should a 
believer walk in the straight path and  become ill, go on a trip or is not able 
to perform his duties as he used to, God will write for him  the same virtue 
for the d...eeds of
 normal days.” Then the Holy Prophet (SAW) recited the  following verse: “So 
they shall have a reward never to be cut off. ” (Verse 6 of the Quranic 
Chapter, Teen) It has been reported on the authority of Imam  Sadeq (AS): “When 
a believer dies, the two guardian angels  will ascend to heavens saying: O God! 
You took  the life of such and such person. God will say:  Go down and perform 
prayer at his gra...veside  and say Laelahaellallah. Then write these  deeds 
for him.” Jaber reports that a man who was both dumb  and deaf came to the Holy 
Prophet (SAW)  making gesture with his hand. The Holy Prophet (SAW) said: “Give 
him a piece of paper to write what he  wants.” The man took the paper and wrote 
on it: “...I bear witness that there is no god but Allah  and I bear witness 
that Mohammad (SAW) is the Messenger of Allah.” At this point, the Holy Prophet 
(SAW) said: “Write for him something and give him the good tidings of paradise, 
 whenever a muslim  loses his tongue, his ears, his arms or legs but  he is 
thankful for that affliction and invokes God to give him reward, God will save 
him from Fire  and make him enter paradise.” Then the Holy Prophet (SAW) said: 
“People of afflictions have ranks in the world  and positions in the Hereafter 
which no one can  attain with righteous deeds so much so that he  wishes his 
body would be cut into pieces with  scissors. This desire arises when these 
people  watch the reward given to the afflicted believers by God on the Day of 
Judgment, for God does  not accept any deed without man’s submission  to Him.”


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