> On 09/09/2011 13:31, nap wrote:
>> Another way (better) is to use the "maintenance_period" property for
>> theses hosts and add a 6h->6h15 period in it. So at 6h the core will
>> raise a downtime, and at 6h15 it will remove it. Then it will be checks,
>> won't break the service/dependency logic and will not raise event
>> handlers :)

No notifications were sent, but the event-handler is still called:

2011-09-13 06:00:00,764 [1315886400] HOST DOWNTIME ALERT: 
RALIOS;STARTED; Host has entered a period of scheduled downtime
2011-09-13 06:00:01,708 [1315886401] HOST NOTIFICATION: 
exploitation;RALIOS;DOWNTIMESTART (UP);notify-host-by-email;PING OK - 
Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.29 ms
2011-09-13 06:02:25,021 [1315886545] HOST ALERT: RALIOS;DOWN;SOFT;1;PING 
CRITICAL - Packet loss = 100%
2011-09-13 06:02:25,022 [1315886545] HOST EVENT HANDLER: 
2011-09-13 06:03:05,798 [1315886585] HOST ALERT: 
RALIOS;DOWN;SOFT;2;CRITICAL - Host Unreachable (xx.xx.xx.xx)
2011-09-13 06:03:05,799 [1315886585] HOST EVENT HANDLER: 
2011-09-13 06:03:33,143 [1315886613] HOST ALERT: RALIOS;DOWN;HARD;3;PING 
CRITICAL - Packet loss = 100%
2011-09-13 06:03:33,144 [1315886613] HOST EVENT HANDLER: 
2011-09-13 06:05:00,238 [1315886700] HOST DOWNTIME ALERT: 
RALIOS;STOPPED; Host has exited from a period of scheduled downtime

# shinken-arbiter --version
shinken-arbiter : 0.6.5     with pyro : 3.9.1
Vincent Riquer

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