I have read that when a Target and Walmart are right next to each other, both do better. Same with fast food restaurants. I wonder if SST has opened a Target store intended to make SST look like a good deal?

I went to the web site and read the article in a magazine I have never heard of about something with no details. He talks about shaft asymmetries. Yes, shafts are asymmetrical (nothing is perfect). But he says nothing about how big these asymmetries are (mostly quite small). His example of a 'pro' whose 7-iron has a built in bias of 25-yards sounds like a lie problem (possibly) not a shaft problem (unless the head was loose). His graphs are really pretty, but without units on the 'dispersion' axis it's a little hard to tell how meaningful they are. The one set is about 80 units right but I don't know if that is yards or inches. I think you are supposed to assume that since the 'distance' is in yards that so is the dispersion. 80-yards right because of shaft asymmetries? Maybe that second day shot pattern is the 'correct' pattern and it is his 'Peak' shafts that are screwed up?

The basic problem with his 'testing' is he doesn't tell you where these shafts are from or anything about how 'bad' they are (SST does the same thing). Did they get them from Dynacraft or Walmart? I picked up a (no-name) driver head on the range the other day that had the stub of the broken off shaft in it. It was Fiberglas. I do believe you could find some real serious problems with the shaft that came out of that club head.

Does anybody know if Golf Laboratories (in San Diego) gives tours? We'll be down there this summer and I would love to nose around.

I think that this is a wonderful process and will be a worthy competitor to SST!!! Is 'peaked' another term for 'piled'? Now we'll have two processes that are 'Pure' and 'Peaked'. Yes!!! Be still my heart!


At 06:38 PM 2/3/03 -0500, you wrote:
Bill ask that someone post this on Shoptalk


I just read the article by Phil Talamonti of ASD that was published in PubLinks magazine. It also appears on his web site www.advancedshaft.com . The prelude to the article says "In the first of a series of articles on shafts and shaft technology, Phil Talamonti, the President and CEO of Advanced Shaft Dynamics reveals a hidden secret".

I think the secret is that he doesn't know very much about what clubmakers do to align shafts in golf clubs. Obviously, from the way he degrades the technology of Dick Weiss and the charts produced when a shaft is PUREd, he does know something about the PURE process and doesn't think much of it.

I guess its natural for the 'new kid on the block' to come forward as the ultimate guru of knowledge on the subject of shaft alignment - the fact that he downgrades all other methods is either lack of knowledge or just plain marketing bullshit.

He also states that he has a network of over 1000 authorized dealers across the country and "we make sure our dealers are qualified...." Sure works fast for the new kid on the block! I should think that to seriously 'qualify' 1000 dealers he must have spent several months to a year - unless qualification is 'do you have any money' and 'do you know which end of the shaft the head goes on'? (for those who don't know, its the small end. Perhaps you too can become a dealer!)

Anyway, please read the article on the ASD web site and see for yourself if the "technology" is believable. I did and I don't believe its worth $15 - $20 a shaft - plus labor and shipping (of course you pay the shipping).

By the way, early analysis says that NBP is down the target line on the ASD Peaked shafts. How new is that?

I would appreciate it if someone would post this over to Shoptalk, since I'm not a member there.


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