Surprise, surprise!!!   I'm on the dealer list too!   Didn't even know it!

 - Ralph Patton

 Al Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well Well Well!!!
I took a look at the below listed web site. Thought I would check on who
was the closest of his dealers to me so I could inquire about the product,
since he claims all of his dealers are qualified. Guess who my closest
dealer is? ME!!!
Well send me your shafts and for 20$ plus shipping I will whammy your
equipment. Don't ask me about the secret method we use. If I told ya, I'd
have ta kill ya. ;-)


At 06:38 PM 2/3/2003, you wrote:
>Bill ask that someone post this on Shoptalk
>I just read the article by Phil Talamonti of ASD that was published in
>PubLinks magazine. It also appears on his web site
>. The prelude to the article says "In the first of a series of articles
>on shafts and shaft technology, Phil Talamonti, the President and CEO of
>Advanced! Shaft Dynamics reveals a hidden secret".
>I think the secret is that he doesn't know very much about what clubmakers
>do to align shafts in golf clubs. Obviously, from the way he degrades the
>technology of Dick Weiss and the charts produced when a shaft is PUREd, he
>does know something about the PURE process and doesn't think much of it.
>I guess its natural for the 'new kid on the block' to come forward as the
>ultimate guru of knowledge on the subject of shaft alignment - the fact
>that he downgrades all other methods is either lack of knowledge or just
>plain marketing bullshit.
>He also states that he has a network of over 1000 authorized dealers
>across the country and "we make sure our dealers are qualified...." Sure
>works fast for the new kid on the block! I should think that to seriously
>'qualify' 1000 dealers he must have spent several months to a year - >unless qualification is 'do you have any money' and 'do you know which end
>of the shaft the head goes on'? (for those who don't know, its the small
>end. Perhaps you too can become a dealer!)
>Anyway, please read the article on the ASD web site and see for yourself
>if the "technology" is believable. I did and I don't believe its worth
>$15 - $20 a shaft - plus labor and shipping (of course you pay the shipping).
>By the way, early analysis says that NBP is down the target line on the
>ASD Peaked shafts. How new is that?
>I would appreciate it if someone would post this over to Shoptalk, since
>I'm not a member there.

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