Pardon my butting into this thread guys, but for a moment. 

RK... I'm a LINUX novice, having just started by setting up SuSe 8.2 Professional in a dual boot configuration with WIN2K.   After just a few hours (spread out over several weeks, because it's not the system I use most), I find it to be quite user-friendly, though not as much as Windows.   I believe Red Hat is considered to be the more popular Linux distribution, but I have no experience with it.

A couple of the things I like most about Linux are:

*The Price - $79.99 or less for a heavy-duty "pro" version, rather than several hundred $$ for Windows.  It's actually free if you know which files to download from the distributions FTP site, but I went for the OEM package because it's all neatly bundled with a couple of manuals.
*Open source code - programmers all over the world share "secrets" and help improve the system. 
*It isn't developed and controlled entirely by Bill Gates et al. (not Al)

I would not hesitate to recommend Linux to anyone who has a little time and may like to tinker around with computers almost as much as he does golf equipment.

Unfortunately, I do not yet know enough about it to be of assistance to anyone else.



Alan Brooks wrote:
Sorry, Richard, I don't.  I did a number of years ago and then the big problem was with drivers (printers, scanners, video cards, etc.).  I'm sure that has improved.  The other issue is the programs I use that don't have LINUX versions, or substitutes.  Hence my query to Dave about WINE, which is a WINdows Emulator (sort of).  I don't think LINUX has reached the point where those of us without many UNIX skills are going to be very happy.  But that does seem to be changing.



At 09:23 PM 4/10/2004 -0400, you wrote:
Alan, do you run Linux on your system???   My reason for asking is that I presently have Window's XP and I am totally fed up with All MS  Products and their related systems.   If you do use Linux how would you rate it to Windows????  How easy is it to use????   TX's in advance
Richard Kennedy
-------Original Message-------
Date: 04/08/04 23:58:31
Subject: Re: ShopTalk: Conversion factors
Hi Dave,
Since you brought it up (well, sort of, Calc98 runs under WINE), have you
had any experience with WINE and LINUX?  Any comments?
At 09:43 AM 4/8/2004 -0400, you wrote:
>At 06:04 AM 4/8/04 -0700, Chris Burns wrote:
>>1 cc = 0.03381402 fluid oz, so 250 cc = 8.453506 oz.
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Mike Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 5:42 AM
>> > How do I convert 270cc to equivalent Fluid Ounces?
>Mike needed 270cc, so that's 9.1297 flOz(US).
>For unit conversions, there is a GREAT tool (which is also a very
>competent calculator -- more so than the one you get with Windows) that
>you can download for free. It's called Calc98, and is available at
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