Hi Dave,
If you liked Win NT 3.5, then you will like Win 2K Pro. It's essentially NT 5. I use it as the default OS for the PC machines at home with one box still running Win 98 R2 for those apps that need it as Win 2K does obsolete a number of apps and hdwe that run on 98.

At work they just changed out everything for new HP's running XP. I hate it and it does not interface to the Novel network nearly as well as the Win 2k boxes they removed.


Sorry for continuing the "non-golf" thread.

At 10:09 AM 4/11/2004 -0400, you wrote:

My issues are not UNIX skills. I have been a UNIX user since 1976. I'm a fairly proficient user of things like "ksh" and "sed". "Vi" used to be my editor of choice, but the current mouse-based editors have won me over (about 10 years ago). I waited until Windows got to NT3.5 before I made it my OS of choice. (I am currently running Win98.)

Like RK, I dislike depending on Microsoft. And that's on the basis of up-close-and-personal; I made a lot of business and technical trips to Redmond (and Bellevue, back in 1983 when they were only 350 people), so I know them and how they work. And I'd rather opt out -- if I could.

My problem is that I use a lot of programs and utilities that only run on Windows. I haven't tried WINE. If it works well (meaning not much lost speed running some of the apps), then it might fill the bill for me. But I don't have the time to experiment with it to find out. Guess I care -- but not enough to make migration a priority.


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