I purchased a "My Weigh" i500 scale and wanted to give an
initial evaluation.  So far it has been wonderful.

Today was 98 degrees where I live and when the unit was delivered
I set it up inside, 78 degrees, and started measuring.  I
measured the 500g calibration weight that came with it and
got 499.7g.  I then measured 5 heads from Wishon that had
their weights listed.  The weight and each head were measured
four times as the unit cooled from 98 degrees to 78 degrees.
The cooling period was about 30 minutes.  The unit was turned
off and on multiple times during the tests.

The calibration weight was 499.7g each time.  The heads measured
the same weights 16 of the 20 (5 x 4) times.  Twice I got a +0.1g
difference and twice I got a -0.1g difference.  This while the
unit was cooling from 98 to 78 degrees.  The scale "stabilized"
its readings very quickly, much quicker than my old 1000g GS scale.

I calibrated the scale to 500g and performed a series of measurements
over a 30 minute time period.  Each of the six times I measured
the calibration weight I got 500.0g.  Three of the five heads
measured exactly what Wishon said (e.g., 251.8g).  The two that
were off were .4g and .5g too much (to jump ahead, I believe
the i500's values more than what was marked on the heads).

I measured the heads multiple times and got EXACTLY the same
results each time.  I then put an 8.1g weight on the scale and
measured the heads.  Each was increased by 8.1 grams.  I then
"tare'd" the scale with the 8.1g weight on it.  I then measured
each head again.  Four were exact and two were 0.1g light.

I tried a 153.3g weight in the same way as the 8.1g weight.  Here
two values were increased by 153.3g and three were increased by
an additional 0.1g.  I "tare'd" the scale and weighed the heads.
Four of the five were exact and one was 0.1g heavy.

I then weighed and "tare'd" weights of 0.5g, 0.7g, 1.9g, 7.5g,
38.1g, 251.8g, and 500g.  Each time the appropriate weight was
replaced the scale read 0.0g!  I did this multiple times with
the same results.

Once calibrated and cool, the only time the scale was even off 0.1g
was when I was weighing two items and expected the total of the two
weights to add up.  However, when weighing two or more items you
aren't accounting for cumulative rounding errors (e.g., 5.54g +
3.54g = 9.08 [rounds to 9.1] while you are expecting 5.5 + 3.5 = 9.0)

Later in the evening, when cooler, I turned the scale on and
got 499.9g.  I did this repeatedly with the same results.  The
heads were each likewise 0.1g light.

Bottom line.  It appears the scale is VERY repeatable and accurate.
The only issue seems to be a slight sensitivity to temperature.
(The scale does have compensation for temperature changes).  However,
you can simply check for a possible anomaly with the calibration
weight and easily perform a calibration if desired.

The scale and a 500g calibration weight were $77.76 including shipping.



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