Good evening folks. I have a problem and need some advice. A couple of years back I purchase an GolfMechanix Auditor. A couple of you helped me during my learning period and provided some great support although I did ask a lot of questions and made many mistakes during the process. About a month and a half back I picked up a virus that totally wiped my computer out. I did the natural thing to do and that was to clean the harddrive and start over. All went well until I could not find my CD of the program software. I have turned my shop upside down and still can not find it. I spoke with Cris at TWGT and explained my situation. I was advised to download the newest version which I did but went the process asked for the registration data I could not get the program to load. At that point I was told to find the CD and reinstall it, again the same problem was still there. I can not find the disk and the download will not allow me to log in and register. Anyone have an idea as to how I can get the Auditor software to load? Thank you for any solutions.

Tom Mason
Little Red Club House
Athens, Texas --
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