I just read Dave's great suggestion re back-up:
Firstly, as an engineer Dave will tell you a hard drive will definately pack-up. We only dont know when.

As I see both hard drives and DVDs are quite reasonably priced.

My suggestions:
Make a copy of your software to DVD, (or hard drive), with all pertinent numbers on the envelope. Then leave your software copies at a neighbours or friend, then upgrade as you change or get more software. I agree totally, this is a lot of extra work, but it sure gives you good peace of mind.

As I'm getting older, I'm forgetting where my software info is at. This way you know it is safe and usable from your friend or neighbour (definately off site)
BTW, this also protects from somebody breaking and stealing your computer.

Dave, I always enjoy reading your articles.

Joe Yablonski

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