Well shoot guys, here's the latest; next Monday will be the 7 week anniversary 
of the surgery (and my birthday as well). I saw the thoracic surgeon yesterday, 
and a week ago. Last week he turned me loose behind the wheel of my car, a 
major event. Yesterday he said I should go out and hit some balls, which I did 
today - 20 8-irons, average  distance, 95 yds. Also a tube of 24 practice balls 
hit with a SW, 57 yds. The chest held together and only a small amount of pain. 
Putted and chipped for about an hour as well. 
The aortic valve stenosis was repaired with a bovine valve. A mechanical valve 
was not considered at all. I go for one more follow-up with the thoracic guy, 
then a visit with a cardiologist for a sonogram. Taking rat poison 
(coumadin/warfarin) for 1 1/2 months more and done with that. Same with 
metoprolol. Just a baby aspirin daily. 
So there it is. Feeling pretty good. A little tired but better every day. 
Thanks for all the good wishes. 
> Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2010 15:04:55 -0400
> From: dtutel...@optonline.net
> Subject: Re: ShopTalk: TFlan news?
> To: ShopTalk@mail.msen.com
> At 02:41 PM 10/15/2010, Doxey, Paul N wrote:
> >Has anyone heard from Tom since his heart surgery?
> >Hoping for the best...
> Guys,
> This all played out on SpineTalk a week ago.
> TFlan came through the operation fine and is recovering on schedule. 
> If he doesn't post a detailed update here soon, I'll repost what he 
> told SpineTalk.
> Cheers!
> DaveT
> --
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