On 9/29/10 4:07 PM, Mr Dash Four wrote:
> My shorewall init script has a conditional block on $COMMAND = start and 
> it wipes out all my existing ipsets (flushes them first) with 'ipset -F' 
> and 'ipset -X' and then reloads them from a predefined script.
> That's all well and good, but when I do 'service shorewall reload' it 
> does not pass 'reload' to the init script, but executes it twice, 
> passing 'stop' and then 'start' which completely screws up my system as 
> I use the 'reload' to test dynamically loaded sets without having to 
> reboot the whole system.
> Could that be fixed so that my init script knows it is a reload (or 
> restart) and not just stop/start?

What do you mean by 'init script'? Do you mean /etc/init.d/shorewall or
do you mean /etc/shorewall/init?

Tom Eastep        \ When I die, I want to go like my Grandfather who
Shoreline,         \ died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like
Washington, USA     \ all of the passengers in his car
http://shorewall.net \________________________________________________

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